How To Become Rich?


becoming rich

Almost all of us have this particular question in our mind. How to become rich? What is the key to success? Secret behind becoming rich? different people have different answer some believe in hard work some believe in luck while some feel they just have taken the business ahead which was already well established all have distinct answers as each one’s perception differs.

But becoming rich is not dependent on just hard work or luck it is dependent upon multiple factors such as confidence, ability to think out of the box, supportive nature of parents and friends, and most importantly a surrounding which imposes no limitations on the progress of neither a man nor a woman. All the Indians we know who are famous across the globe let they be from any INDUSTRY be it ENTERTAINMENT which subdivides itself into television {small screen} and cinema {big screen}, BANKING, AUTOMOBILE, CEMENT, FOOD AND BEVERAGE, CONSTRUCTION, COTTON, DAIRY, GARMENT, HOSPITAL, JEWELLERY, etc.

Becoming famous doesn’t only mean to acquire fame, wealth and prosperity the most feature which plays a huge role in getting success is the personality of the person. The personality of anyone helps people around the person understand his nature, habits, potential, and attitude towards other people, things, his opinions and views on the world.

We all want to be successful and famous in life however it is not necessary that you will get unlimited wealth sometimes people gain popularity due to their work for example our  Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat for 14long years divided into 4 terms and due to his style of working and execution of plans to benefit Gujarat and his dedication towards making Gujarat the best productive state in the whole country he earned immense respect and applaud from the citizens of the country and gained popularity across the globe. And now due to his capabilities he has been elected as the Prime Minister as the people have faith in him that he is the one

He is not rich but the minute anybody hears his the word which comes to our mind is brilliant. What a brilliant man he is!!

Thus we should understand the fact that there is a huge difference in becoming rich in terms of money and becoming rich by earning not only money but also respect!

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Afifa Qureshi


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