How To Cook The Perfect Ultimate Sticky Toffee Pudding


How To Cook The Perfect Ultimate Sticky Toffee Pudding

Sticky Toffee Pudding

Dates are sweet, succulent gifts of Mother Earth and the Middle Eastern date palm.



165 grams Plain flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

180 grams dates, seeded and chopped

300 ml Boiling water

1 teaspoon Bicarbonate soda

50 grams softened butter

150 grams sugar

1 beaten egg

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Sticky toffee sauce:

100 grams butter

125 ml heavy cream

170 grams light brown sugar

250 ml heavy whipped cream


  1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius.


  1. Chop the dates finely and place in a small bowl.


  1. Add boiling water and baking soda and set it aside until cold.


  1. When cold drain excess water and mash the dates with a fork.


  1. Butter a square baking tray and line with paper.


  1. Sift the flour and baking powder.


  1. With an electric mixer, beat the butter and sugar until it is light and fluffy.


  1. Add the egg and vanilla and beat it until blended.


  1. Gradually add flour mix.


  1. Add the date mixture to the batter and fold with a rubber spatula until blended.


  1. Pour into prepared tray and bake until firm on top, for about 30 minutes. Remove from oven to wire rack.


  1. Make the toffee sauce by combining all ingredients in a small heavy bottomed saucepan. Stirring consistently, heat the liquid until boiling. Boil gently until mixture thickens, for about six to seven minutes.


  1. Cut the cake into serving portions and serve with hot sticky toffee sauce poured over the top.


  1. Accompany with whipped cream or with an ice cream.


This is a very great recipe for delicious dessert you want to have at any time. 🙂

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Saloni Shetty


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