How to create a sound ethical environment?


A sound ethical environment can be created if the following points are kept in mind:


1)      Awareness of legal and ethical responsibilities


ü  Ethical organization should have policies to train & motivate employees towards ethical behaviours. This would require initiation from the top.

ü  Number of companies both in West & in India have been known for their quality & soundness of their ethics programmes.

ü  In India, Wipro was amongst the pioneers to establish an organized set of beliefs to guide business conduct.

ü  Companies now are also providing an integrity manual which helps employees whenever they face ethical dilemmas.


2)      A Transparent communication system


ü  Ethical organization should provide facilities for employees through which they could communicate with responsible position for reporting frauds, mismanagement or any other form of non routine detrimental (harmful) behaviour.

ü  Companies like Wipro have introduce a helpline comprising of senior members of the company who are available for guidance on any moral, legal or ethical issues that an employee may face.


3)      Fair treatment to whistle blowers: Fair treatment to whistle blowers is important, as this encourages other members of the company to report similar activities in future. On the contrary, if the company demotes such whistle blowers, it discourages other employees from reporting on any malpractices within the organization which might affect its reputation as well as cause financial losses.

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