How To Create A Successful 200 Marks TYBMS Black Book Project – Mumbai University Guidelines


TYBMS project

Do you find difficulty in selecting the right topic for your 200 marks TYBMS project? Have you selected the topic but do not know how to proceed further? Is your journey of project completion getting stretched to no end?

Here we present the Mumbai University Guidelines for doing 200 Marks TYBMS Project:

Structure of the TYBMS 200 marks project must include the following points:

  1. Name, seat number / roll number of the TYBMS student, name of the college/department and the university and Title of the TYBMS project has to be written on the FIRST page.
  2. Declaration has to be written by the TYBMS student that the project work is completed by him / her in person under the supervision of the internal guide and the external guide and that the contents of the project are not copied from any other source such as internet, earlier projects, textbooks, etc.
  3. Certificate from the organization where the project field work is conducted for completing the project work has to be included in the 200 marks TYBMS project book.
  4. Certificate from the External Guide
  5. Acknowledgements
  6. Contents/Index
  7. Project report
  8. Bibliography.


Important Guidelines:

  1. Every TYBMS student has to submit individual project.
  2. Topic / problem / theme of the 200 marks TYBMS project has to be suggested / approved by the BMS course faculty / project guide / supervising teacher or BMS coordinator.
  3. Every TYBMS project shall have an internal guide who preferably must be the faculty of the college and an external guide, if required. The external guide shall be approved by the Principal of the College / Head of the Department.
  4. TYBMS 200 marks Project Report, preferably has to be neatly typed in Times New Roman in 12 points double spaced on A4 size paper.
  5. TYBMS project report shall not be less than 50 pages.
  6. Project report has to be hard bound.
  7. On the upper face of the hard bound copy / file, the following things has to be printed:
  • Title of the project report,
  • Name of the TYBMS student,
  • Class,
  • Seat Number,
  • Name of the Internal Guide,
  • Name of the College / Department,
  • Date of submission,
  • Name of the University.

Students have to submit 2 copies of the TYBMS project atleast 1 month before the commencement of the TYBMS project viva examination.

Both the copies has to be certified by the Internal Guide / Supervising teacher, External Guide and Principal of the College/ Head of the Department.

1 copy of the TYBMS project has to be retained by the college / department and the other copy has to be returned to the TYBMS student after certification but before the commencement of the presentation and viva-voce examination.

TYBMS student has to bring his/her copy of the project during the presentation and viva-voce examination.

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  1. here is one more tip
    Please select the project based on the company or the industry you wish to pursue your career in
    for example I made a project on courier services and when I finished my BMS i applied for some jobs in areas other than courier industries but I was not getting my expected salary as well as responsibility but then some courier companies approached me asked me to join their company with a descent pay because i had mentioned courier services project on my resume

    So please select the project topics attentively and take your time and yes don’t select a particular area like hr , marketing , finance rather select a company and cover all the areas so that you get knowledge and experience about the field

    Do not stress about the project. you will get ample of time to finish it

    Best of luck

  2. Hi my name is sanjay i needed your help for my blackbook i have selected a topic as ratio analysis of infosys and i have collected balance sheets, P/L acs from infosys site i need more information and i have only collected 9 pages i need 2 expand it and plz help me… And what all things are imp in a black book ?

  3. thnks guys dis was vry useful … 🙂
    i jz srarted my wrk for blackbook on banking because m intrstd in banking feild .. can i gst sum gd topics suggestions for dis

  4. I have selected my topic ( recruitment ) i have done my intership from a company i was working under marketing superviser . The company do recruitment for gulf country . For saudi and dubai . So can i get some help abt my topic for blackbook or any related topic. My email id —- [email protected]

  5. i have selected my project topic as ‘a study of customer satisfaction towards courier companies’ where i am planning to show information on FedEx and dhl ….. so my confusion is that should i show comparative study of the two or just put forward information about the two companies and their working strategies …… a huge confusion is living and growing in my head . i need help …. please help and guide me with your suggestion and knowledge . thank you .

    1. Do you have a project guide? Consult them if you do.

      Consumer satisfaction should ideally be a comparative study from primary research. Do a survey of customer satisfaction for both companies and come up with your analysis.

  6. i have selected brand equity. please send me the link to get any information about brand equity of any product in brief. as brief as it covers more 70-80 pages. please send it as soon as possible.

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