How To:-Create An Animal Print Makeup Look



Ever thought of experimenting high fashion stuff on your eyes?Something like drawing a leapord print on your eyes?Of course you can!Such high fashion makeup styles are dominating the ramps too so hey ya why not try something crazy but haute?Here are step to step tips to follow to achieve the perfect look:-

1. Make sure you have no make-up on (except foundations and things, of course!).


2.Apply a color above the crease. Here apply the color right up to the eyebrow. Though you can also follow your personal preference and try something different.

crease line

3.Then go ahead and dtaw some leopard print shapes on the corners using your liquid eyeliner (think C’s and Os). Also don’t worry about screwing it up, they will be touched up later.

4.Put lots of eyeshadow into the middle of the shapes using a different color. Its okay if the color goes over.


5.Then you should touch up the liquid eye liner in any places it needs fixing, and put the color you used for the inside of the print on your bottom eyelid. You can also line your top lid if you want.

6.Use mascara, and you’re done. Flaunt your look with confidence!


Some tips you should keep in mind:-

Make sure you use colored glitter eyeliner to fill in the leopard pattern for a bit of extra glam!

Keep in mind that a felt tip eyeliner makes doing the outline of the leopard pattern a lot easier to do.

Before filling in the eyeliner outlines, wait for the eyeliner to dry. To speed up the process, hold a hairdryer to your eyelid (eyes closed!) at a low speed and low heat.

And also remember that you shouldn’t draw the leopard print patterns too close together, as it could end up looking like a mess of eyeliner and eyeshadow.


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Riya Lokhande


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