How To: Create The Perfect Ballet Bun In 11 Easy Steps!


ballet tutorial

Making a perfect ballet bun is very easy and will totally add class to your look.But it may take a little practice if you’re unfamiliar with it. Follow these steps to learn it for yourself:-

1. Brush your hair; make sure that there are no tangles.

2. Firstly pull back into a ponytail using a comb or brush to remove the bumps. If necessary, spray the hair with a quick-drying hairspray (an inexpensive brand is okay). You have already used a comb or brush to remove the lumps, so now you can use hairspray (optional, depends on the style of your hair) to smooth with your hand all of those wisps up and into the bun.

3. Put an extra rubber band around your ponytail, just for extra security. It is important to have a strong foundation for your bun so it doesn’t fall down.

4. Separate your ponytail in half

5. Take one half and twist the whole strand together, tightly

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6. Tightly wind the strand of hair around the ponytail holder, as if curling around it, not over it. You should probably use heavy-duty hairpins such as Scunci Bobby Pins to hold up your hair. Most people find that an actual hair pin versus a bobby pin can hold their hair better. You will want to get the thicker kind, especially if you have thick or curly hair, because the thin ones are easily bent out of shape.

7. Securely fasten the hair. You can do this by putting a bobby pin in like your bun like it was a clock. 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock. If the first half of your bun feels a little shaky, put more bobby pins in where desired.

8. Repeat these same steps for the second half of your ponytail.

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9. For extra security, cover your bun with a hair net that matches your hair color. (Hint: If you have blonde hair, don’t use the gray hair net because then your bun looks purple. If you’re a brunette, don’t use the blonde hair net because then you have a lighter bun than the rest of your hair and that gives you the air of being unprofessional and/or colorblind.)

10. If there are any wisps, or frizzy hair,lightly spray with hairspray, all over.

11. If you have very thin hair you can do these steps only without making two section but just using one.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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