How To Deal With Annoying Professors – Gyaan By The Suffering Soul!


annoying professors

Teachers, professors are all a part of our education and our school and college life. And there are many variants some are strict, some rare friendly while some are just there to make our life miserable. While most of them are apparently to help us out, they do have their own ways of ‘helping’ us out. Great professors are a rarity.Some are tolerable and some are extremely annoying. Here’s how to deal with them

  1. Do not ask them silly questions:

stupid questions

While most of us may think of this to be a perfect solution for revenge! I would say mission abort. It will only encourage you to annoy you more while you annoy them. You may face their wrath at times if they are going through mood swings and thus end up making a fool of yourself.

  1. Bounce back and argue:


Most of the time you may think of it as a bad idea and leave it for the sake of our internal marks, but you need to bounce back and argue with them once they reach a certain point intolerable for you. But the flip side is that you have to be attentive in order to counter attack them on the topic they are speaking upon. The more you try to be calm, the more they try to tame you.

  1. Keep Calm and Keep Kaam se Kaam:


You may think of this as a crazy idea but actually paying attention would help you in finding ways and means to be calm. You may let you imagination go wild and reach a different destination altogether. But remember you don’t want to get caught in fantasy land and if you do a weird smile may help you out of the situation.

  1. Treat?

teacher treat

Another crazy idea is give them as many treats as possible. But remember you don’t want to go overboard and make them feel as though you are their pet. But this is just an indirect bribe to keep them at bay.

  1. Keep your emotions in check:

anger control

Now they may make you feel like jumping out of the window or pulling your hair out, but remember. Patience is the key to success. If you feel like yelling your heart out, do it! But do it in your mind, silently!

– Kashmeera Tambe

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