How To Effectively Use Resources


It is very important to be able to capture, convert and store the vast amount of natural resources available to us. There is a great deal of information today on how to develop and increase the production of our energy requirements. Some of the traditional sources of energy are sun, wind and water. We should spread knowledge about the development of these resources, with the aim of global awareness, in such a way that our future energy needs are met.

Nature gave us a pure and clean environment, but we contaminated it with harmful gases, chemicals discharge, smoke etc, as a result of development. Development is very important to us, however, as we innovate and invent new things, we should also find solutions to efficiently use our limited resources.

We should use and produce vehicles that don’t pollute the air. Carpooling is advisable and use of public transport, economical. Industrial pollution should be kept in check. Modern appliances make our life easy, but contribute to pollution. Restricted use of these is advisable. Deforestation for the sake of providing unrequired luxurious spaces, vertically and horizontally in urban areas should be put to a stop. Our population is our labor strength. We should ensure that there is food for everybody and that people are productively employed.

Water conservation is another important concept. Recycling of water should be promoted. Domestic wastage of water should be discouraged. Reclaiming land from water bodies should not be allowed.

We should make the use of solar energy extensive in our life. On domestic scale too, solar water heaters should be made compulsory on every upcoming residential complexes. Also water should be recycled to their gardens. Use of solar lights should also be encouraged.

Water is one of the basic needs of a human being. Therefore its availability is crucial for sustaining life. Water is used is many aspects such, domestically, in industries. In industries, these waters go through different chemical processes which, majority of the time, render them undesirable. Therefore we must develop ways to make this water reusable; thus also curbing the pollution it causes. Domestically, different individuals have different water using ethics. Therefore we must spread awareness for economical use of water and invent small ways of conserving this water. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated the nearly 2.6 billion people all over the world don’t get enough water sanitation. More than 5 million people are dying each year by diseases caused by the usage of contaminated water for drinking, cooking and washing of clothes and utensils, etc. contaminated water hurts the environment as much as the health of the people. We must invent ways to purify water at the home front and also at industrial levels. Children should be taught at school levels itself, the importance of conservation of water.

At village levels, rainwater harvesting can be done. Dams should be built of the rivers so that floods can be prevented and water can be stored. Don’t the garbage and the industrial waste into the water bodies like lakes and rivers. To meet the needs of increasing population, new methods must be invented to storage and recycle water.

Sun is the largest source of heat energy. Solar energy can be used and incorporated in our life in many different ways/. Sunlight can be directly converted into electricity. Ways must be invented to make maximum use of solar energy at industrial levels also. Although solar energy equipment is very expensive, in the long run however, they will protect us from increase in energy prices. Solar energy can be stored in solar cells and released when it is cloudy or at night time. Hence these can be used for street lights. Incentives should be given by the government for residential complexes and industries for making maximum use of solar energy. Solar energy does not create pollution. It will always be available as the sun will always keep shining.

Petroleum, commonly known as oil, is an important feature of modern life. It is extensively used in transportation and heating for domestic and industrial fronts. Burning of petroleum releases carbon dioxide (CO2) which has a large residence time, i.e. it takes in the atmosphere for a long time. This could increase the greenhouse effect thus increasing the temperature. Petrol is the major requirement for transportation. Combustion of petrol gives rise to air pollution. We must thus find alternatives for petroleum and to reduce fuel consumption. Fuel is a non-renewable resource. It causes pollution on usage.

Both the developed and developing countries should come together for efficient use of energy resources to build a sustainable world. The world resources should be shared thoughtfully with the under developed countries. There should be a general consensus over the growth and well-being of humanity as a whole by making efficient and conservative uses of the resources. World technology and information should be harnessed for the development of the people. People should be able to live in perfect harmony with each other.

Some basic rules should be laid down related to the consumption of the resources, for all the countries, to be followed. People should be educated to avoid wasteful use of natural resources and conserving non-renewable resources. Masses must be made aware of the results of over consumption of resources.

Environment is no longer a concern for a state or a country, but a worldwide issue. Therefore in order to overcome these issues, the entire world must come together to combine and share its knowledge and technology for overall sustainable development of the world.







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Vanita Godwani
Hello, Vanita Godwani, a fybms student of Jaihind College, hobbies are drawing and helping needy people.I loved being a social media correspondent at .I am interested in pursuing by post graduation and later work in a multinational company being a honest and good high post official


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