How to Enjoy Your Holidays With Your Super Cute Family!



Family is that beautiful gift that comprises of many relations that we have and are our first set of people we come across and interact. Family includes mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, aunty, grandparents and great grandparents. In the olden days we all used to stay in a big joint family, today times have changed. A few saraswat and Shetty families do stay together today, that feeling of unity is felt. Families are now categorised into 2 types i.e. joint family and nuclear family.

Joint families are the chacha, chachi, (uncle and aunty ) types and all living together. Whereas nuclear family is just like the “hum do hamare do” concept. There has been many debates between joint family and nuclear families. But instead of debating the most important thing is that we should be greatful for having a family. A complete family is the one who has the blessings of their grandparents and their parents along with them, they all live together happily.

Family is the where we learn our morals, values and ethics from. Family is our first set of friends that we connect to and communicate with. Therefore it is said the way you behave at home the same behaviour is seen outside. Family is the strongest pillars of your life that will support you in you times of distress. Sometimes they leave you when you need them the most only to make you a strong person. We all have families , some of us are lucky to have a complete family mom and dad, brother and sister. While some have one parent or only grandparents. But we should be greatful that we do have a family to talk to, to be with to love and embrace us. But there are those who don’t have parents. Both their parents have left them and gone to the lord. How difficult life would be for them. They too miss a family, they miss having parents around. When they see children hug their parents they miss having parents to hug, to get shouted at parents who can take them out etc.

We are indeed lucky, rather blessed to have a family. Everyone has a different family. Some families have an orthodox thinking , while some are broad minded. Every member of every family is difficult, their nature of dealing with things may be different. While some members are the same identical. They eat in the same manner, talk, dance and mentality also is the same. Some members of the family are real characters. If an award session could ever be given you would give awards like miss drama queen to mom and the angry young man to dad. It is always said that a family that eats together, prayers together, stays together. Which is true they are divided by nature but united by family. A family is meant to be together. There are many ways in which members can enjoy as one big family.


  • Plan out a picnic

This could be one of the best things you could do every month a family outing. A family outing once in three months is also a kool idea. You can go may to a nice farm house or go trekking with the family experience a little adventure. Going to places like matheran, lonavla or to some nice resort may be like a one day picnic makes everyone so happy and enjoy like one big happy family.

  • Celebrate every members birthday

Be it small or big every member should be treated special. Especially when it is birthday time, a cake should be brought and should be cut sharp at 12. Clicking pictures and singing and happy celebrations can make it so special and the ambience so positive, cheerful and lively.

  • Going out for dinner or lunch

Planning out on an outing like dinner at their favourite restaurant. Going out for dinner or lunch like one big family too makes such a huge difference they dance and dine with food and wine. It becomes so much fun we share and eat order some good food. It brings the family together and closer.

  • Praying together

Having a big family and praying together is the best thing one could do. It resembles unity and the strength of the family. It binds the family with chords that cannot be broken. In catholic families and especially familes in goa pray atleast 3 times a day as a family together. They receite the rosary and sings hymns to praise and give glory to god. Similarly in hindus the entire family gathers together to give glory to god and say the aarti.

  • Going for occasions as one big family

Similarly when invited for wedding and anniversaries going as one big family makes people really look up to you and admire the togetherness about your family. It sets a good example.

  • A movie together

A good family oriented movie is the perfect movie that you could take your family for. There are so many nice family oriented comedy movies that can be watched even in the presence of children. Sometimes going for animated films like ice age and madagskar is also fun to watch. Latest movies like blendid and finding fanny is one movie you could watch with your big fat goan family. It is more of fun when you have an entire row booked and only your family members around you kind of feel much safe.

Sometimes it gets irritating for teenagers to stay home and go for outings with family. But family outings if developed from childhood will be fun to go out and spend time. We have a family yet we do not spend quality time together think of the orphans just going and spending time with them is all that they want. They to dream of a happy family and they crave for love, sharing a little love with them too would be great. We should always love and thank the lord for family it is with them that we feel complete. Every member of the family is equally important.



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