How to find Joy in lil things?


find joy

                                          ‘One day I want to have my own flat somewhere in town and buy a Mercedes car’ announced a friend of mine merely at the age of 20. On retrospection he said, ‘at least in 15-20 years I should be able to achieve it. At least my kids would be townies’. Its later I realised that for years even I have nursed a dream of buying a house in a building facing the sea at bandstand. And there is nothing wrong in that, every person has a dream or ambition. It’s good to upgrade and better our lives than the one we’ve lived but that would be a luxury we all want. That is not happiness.

Happiness is what each one of us has whether it’s in a big house or a small one or even a shack in the village. Happiness lies in moments which do not see whether a person lives in luxury or in simple modesty. Isn’t it the reason why most of the wealthiest people in the world are depressed and feel a vacuum in their lives even after achieving and tasting success and on the other side people from mediocre backgrounds live content and fulfilling lives?

We all are unfazed by the dark side of fame and glamour. We all want to make our dreams come true and reach the highest peak in our line of work. It is not bad to feel that way and the virtue of excellence and drive to reach the top is very essential. But in doing so are we missing out on innumerable joys. In making a better tomorrow are we losing out on today’s happiness? I guess… Yes!

It’s time we take a pause from the race. Spread our arms wide and take a deep breath of fresh air. Life’s little joys come to us daily we are the stubborn ones to ignore them. Joy is in the air which flows from your window every morning, it’s in the plants which are seated in window grill, it’s in the hot cup of coffee you can sip while reading the daily news, it’s in the smile you could give to the one making you breakfast, it’s in wishing your watchman good morning, it’s in appreciating your colleagues work or sharing a moment of tension with them, a good night kiss… there are these innumerable moments out there waiting for you out there daily, don’t be arrogant to lose them again.

Joys are in little moments which are special like a weekend spent with family or friends, a dip in the pool, a walk by the beach, listening to songs with your friends, teasing and pulling your siblings leg, playing with you younger siblings, listening to the life experiences of your grandparents, etc. All those moments are there waiting for you to make them joyful. Always remember ‘happiness comes to those who seek it’.


–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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