How To Forget Your Past And Move On In Life


moving on quote

“To help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on.”


“Every day is a new day, and you’ll never be able to find happiness if you don’t move on.”

                                                          ~Carrie Underwood


Life is like a roller coaster ride, it gives you a lot of surprises and shocks you at the same time. Life is a beautiful miracle which is ever happening to us, that we can see nature earth, we can feel things, we can express ourselves etc. Life is a blessing for each one of you and even teaches us a lot which is helpful to us to see the reality in life. Life is filled with emotions like happiness, joys, sorrows, and sadness. We should never give up on life so easily whatever the situation is. We should be strong enough to let go and move on in life.

PAST can be beautiful for someone’s or it can be bitter for others, it may have taught everyone something, something better for the future 🙂 Life can be full of happiness if we see so. It is difficult for those who are hurting from their past circumstances. What we do when we are hurt, we mostly put the blame on others that someone has mistaken us and hurt us so badly and we want them to apologize to us for what they have done wrong. But blaming others for your pain is not right? People hold on to the past which have hurt them often, sometimes people get stuck in this pain, in this hurt!

Here are the ways how a person can move-on in life 🙂

  1. Make a firm decision to LET IT GO:

The very first point is to let go!! You must take a strong step to let go the pain, hurt whatsoever. You should not think about it over and over again, you should take a stand and tell yourself that you have to move on and forget all the past happenings. If you don’t let go the past, it will be difficult for you to live life happily then. Things don’t vanish itself on their own you have to make yourself to let it go.


  1. Stop blaming others:

The second step is to stop blaming others for your pain. You should understand the point that the world doesn’t care, your special and you should care about yourself. You should love yourself first by pampering yourself. No one understands you that well than yourself. Your feeling does matter if it doesn’t matter to others, this is all a largely messy world. You have the right to feel something good about someone or vice versa. You should put some efforts to make yourself happier rather than depending on others for your happiness. Never allow someone to hurt you, if something happened in the past was just because of you then you were not strong enough to face it bravely. Life teaches us a lesson and it makes us a strong human being 😛


  1. Express your pain:

One should express the pain that one has suffered from to any other person like friend, family, and relatives whomsoever so that it can feel him/her to move on in life. If you won’t express about your feelings then it’s difficult to overcome such situations. Expressing is the best way to make yourself prepared to become stronger than before 🙂 Just take a bold step and then see where it takes you.


  1. Forgive:

The next stage is to forgive others or yourself for the mistakes that you or others have done. Forgiveness is the best way to let go things, it’s not that easy as it seems but if you want to move on in life the best way is to forgive and forget. You can feel a big relief after forgiving yourself or others for the mistakes and can move on easily 😀


  1. Try to focus on your present life:

After forgiving all the mistakes that have been done, it’s time you to focus on your present life and try to figure out that what makes you happy? It’s your time to stop thinking about the past and find happiness in little things that makes you happy. You cannot live in the past always, one day you have to leave the dark past behind for your bright future 😉



Always remember in life, everyone has past which may be good or maybe bad but you should never put yourself down to take a bold step and let go things and love yourself  for what you are!


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Archana Negi


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