How To :-Get Rosy, Pink Lips



Don’t we all wish for rosy,pink lips?Yes,but do we know how to go about it?Here are tips which will help you on the same and will help you maintain your lips if you already have soft,rosy lips.Read on to learn.


Exfoliate your lips

Prepare a paste containing rose petals, honey and cucumber. After 10 minutes, add 1 teaspoon milk to the paste and apply to the lips. This scrub helps you to remove dirt and dead skin cells on the lips giving it a pinkish look. Second method is to take a toothbrush, add honey to the top and gently exfoliate it to the lips. This removes the dirt and impurities that make our lips to look dark and honey deeply moisturizes lips getting you soft and pinkish lips naturally at home. Apart from this, clean your lips daily at night using rose water. Take a cotton balls and dip it in rose water. Now gently rub it gently for removing the darkness from lips.

Keep your lips moist

Apply vitamin E moisturizing creams and unflavoured lip balms to keep lips moisturized. These moisturizers prevent our lips from becoming dark and chapped. Using such moisturizers will definitely make your lips pink in a few days.


Massages help to increase the circulation of blood to lips. Increased blood flow creates and illusion and make lips appear more reddish. Ice-cubes can be used to massage your lips. Take one ice-cube and gently rub it to your lips. Following this procedure daily will help you to relax your lip muscles and keep it beautiful.

Home remedies for reddish lips

Massage your lips with aloe-vera gel for treating dry lips, removing dirt and lightening lips complexion. Antioxidants in aloe gel are very effective in lightening dark lips and making it pink. Take some aloe gel and gently massage it to lips for 15 minutes and then wash it off using warm water.


Since lemon is a natural cleanser, it cleans the dirt on lips, making it look rosy. Citric acid in lemon acts as a bleaching agent for skin. Take fresh lemon juice and rub it to your lips. This will help to clean your lips and vitamin C present in lemon lightens the lips making it pink. Orange juice and peels are also rich in vitamin C which is useful in lightening dark lips.

Milk cream is full of nutrients and moisture that make it one of the best remedy for lightening the complexion of lips. Take some milk cream and add rose petals to it. Now allow it to cool in refrigerator for 20 minutes. Remove it and gently massage it to the lips. Now let it rest on lips for 15 minutes and then wash it. Milk and rose petal mixture will make your lips pink in a few days.

Olive oil mixed with honey and lemon juices makes lips red and gives it a seducing effect. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and moisture that make lips glowing and soft. Apply this oil to lips before sleeping and repeat it for some days. Soon you will notice that your lips are turning pink.

Cucumbers are rich in skin lightening properties and lots of water that help to make lips moist and pink. Take cucumber slice and keep it on lips daily for 15 minutes.

A mixture of beetroot and carrot paste can be applied to lips to give it an attractive shade.Tips for making lips pink

Smoking should be avoided. Smoking not only deteriorates health, but also makes lips dark.

Avoid drinking excess of tea and coffee. Caffeine is an important factor for dark lips.

Avoid direct contact of sun. Constant exposure of U.V rays results in dull lips. Lip balm with at least 15 SPF should be applied to lips in case you are out in the sun.

Avoid licking lips as this can make lips dry and chapped.

Eat skin nourishment food with minerals to make lips beautiful. Fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals that nourishes our skin.

Drinking 8 glasses of water every day will help to keep lip skin soft.                                                              -MISBAAH MANSURI

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Riya Lokhande

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