How To:- Get The Natural Pout Correct!



Create your perfect pout with the ingredients at your doorstep!Yes, you can do it!Follow these simple tips and pave way to the must luscious lips and a perfect pout:-

Prep your Lips:

The first step to achieving that flawless pout is to lightly exfoliate your lips. Exfoliation boosts blood circulation and removes dead skin cells so your lips will look plumper and brighter.

You can use a wet towel or soft-bristled children’s toothbrush dipped in Vaseline and move in light circular movements over lips. Apply a moisturising balm afterwards.

You can create a  using brown sugar, honey, and olive oil.

Another homemade lip scrub uses coconut oil, brown sugar and honey. When combined, the ingredients provide an easy and natural remedy for chapped lips.

Banish Wrinkles:

Disguise fine lines with a lip primer which goes underneath your lipstick and provides a base to make your lip colour last for hours. Lip primer is a foundation for your lips that you apply prior to lipstick or gloss. It will fill the lines and wrinkles of your lips to prevent colour from bleeding into the cracks.

You can use any makeup primer which will give lipstick a smear-proof, water-proof finish that is excellent for combatting fine lines around the lips and lipstick feathering. You can use a translucent powder as a lip primer, this will act as a base for the lipstick.


Pout Plumper’s:

A subtle but highly effective trick to create the optical illusion of a fuller pout is to take a lip pencil that matches the colour of your natural lips perfectly. Take the pencil and use light, feathery stroke to draw a line just outside of your natural lip line. At the corners make sure the drawn line meets your own lip line.

At the Cupid’s bow, you can afford to go a little further away from the natural lip-line to create the illusion of plump lips. Take a small, stiff brush, dip it in a bone-coloured eyeshadow and very lightly outline the top lip and lower lip to make the lip outline stand out more. Also, apply a tiny dab of shimmery highlighter – in sheeny gold or silver – just above the Cupid’s bow. This helps give a more full-lipped look.

To make your own lip plumper you will need cinnamon, and Vaseline.

Another way is to soak cinnamon sticks in olive oil for a couple weeks and you have your very own, homemade cinnamon lip plumper! Rub the cinnamon stick on your lips before applying your lipstick. The cinnamon mildly irritates the skin on your lips causing them to swell and redden.

Make sure to apply a conditioning balm or Vaseline after your treatment to create a fuller, plumper look.

A matte lipstick is so in right now, with many brands featuring a matte or semi-matte finish.

You can create the same effect with your favourite lipstick by applying a translucent powder or blush overtop of your lipstick to create a matte effect Colour

The latest trend this season is colour! Don’t be afraid to experiment with a range of bright corals and pinks that are bound to make your lips pop.


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Riya Lokhande


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