How to Have a Successful Day of Shopping In A Foreign Country


How to Have a Successful Day of Shopping In A Foreign Country

foreign shopping

Personally, I love to shop. Since I love shopping, when I go out to a foreign country I always shop.

After shopping a lot, I have come to know few techniques of shopping like when, how and where to shop in a foreign country.

So I am sharing with you these tips that will help you a lot when you shop in a foreign country.

  1. Know the place better

Knowing the country which you are visiting is important. Accordingly, you can plan your shopping outing and list down places from where you would like to shop. There are many travel blogs which will give you information about where to shop and places which are hidden gems, where you will find great stuff. 

  1. Make a list

Make a list of stuff you want to buy, list down the brands you want to purchase from, and also list down the malls which you want to visit. You can get information about the shopping centres and malls in travel blogs. It will be much easier for you if you have everything planned out perfectly. 

  1. Compare the prices

Comparing prices is very important. If you have time, then do compare the prices before you buy stuff. Sometimes there is a difference between the prices. Some malls may have higher prices just because of location. And some may have standard or low prices. Find out properly about the price, especially when you are buying High-end or extremely expensive stuff.

Also look out for outlet malls as you can find brands which sell their stuff at a discounted rates. Over here one can also find stuff which has been discontinued from the brands.

foreign shopping

  1. Look out for trends 

In foreign countries, people follow trends more than our country. So look out for popular trends in fashion and purchase them. Sometimes it takes time for those trends to come to our country, they will eventually come but it will be late. People who love to be on trends would love to shop in a foreign country.

There was a trend of mint colours and military green colours in fashion few years ago. So in Dubai, around two years ago I saw a lot of mint colors and greens in the shop. Like this, you can find many different trends in any country you visit. Maybe you might come across a new trend altogether while shopping in other countries.

  1. Look out for Sales

For every country there is a sale season, like in India sale season is between January – March and also in mid of the year. Like this every country has a sale period. Some countries have sales in December for Christmas and some have in January etc.

Make sure to go in such sale seasons if you want to take advantage of offers and discounts. If you are planning to go to shopping destinations like Dubai, Bangkok, New York or London make sure you plan your trip accordingly, if you are planning to shop a lot.

If you are going to Dubai, make sure to plan trip in January for Dubai Shopping Festival. This festival is amazing for any shopaholic person for the amazing deals and discounts it offers.

  1. Smart Shopping

When girls see discounts and offers they go crazy and buy stuff which they don’t need. I also do that sometimes, but try to avoid such things when you are in a foreign country. Buy things which you will use and don’t buy things which are unnecessary. Know your style and then shop.

Shop smartly, try to buy unique items than something common. 

foreign shopping


These are the points which I remember when I shop outside of India. If you do this you will buy the right stuff at the right price and at right time. 

I love shopping as it is great stress buster but shopping outside of India is even more fun if you do it right.

Doing this, it won’t be heavy on your wallet. 

Have fun shopping!!!





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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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