How to Influence People?




How we communicate with people has a huge impact on our success both in business and outside of work. You have probably noticed throughout your career that you must adapt your communication approach to different individuals to help persuade or influence them.

  1.  Behave in a warm and friendly manner in order to influence strangers to cooperate. Be friendly and build a relationship or rapport. For people who respond well to this approach you need to introduce yourself in a friendly and open manner, listen actively and ask questions and show interest by discussing things you have in common.
  2.  Rely on friendships, loyalty, or past relationships to get what you want. Ask for personal favours, tell friends that you need their help or are counting on their support and let them know that they can count on you.
  3.  Appeal to the person’s expertise, ask for input, probe for feedback, collaborate and invite the person to participate or become involved. Listen to the person. And be genuine.
  4.  Make a direct statement of need or opinion. Be confident, certain and positive. Leave no room for negotiation and persistence.
  5. Show enthusiasm, commitment, dedication and passion. Be motivational or inspirational and speak in terms of achievement, quality or other desired values. If your own values do not align with the individuals, you will not succeed.
  6. Inspire people to behave in a certain way by setting an example. Lead by doing and demonstrate the right way. Coach, mentor, assess performance and give feedback. Show a positive attitude and provide encouragement.  Practice what you preach – otherwise you may damage your reputation.
  7. Use logic or evidence to explain or justify a position and rely on knowledge or expertise to present factual reasons supported by charts, graphs, and data as proof. Ensure that evidence is provided to support your conclusions. Give something of value to influence an individual in return for what you want. Negotiate, bargain, exchange favours, create a win-win situation and comprise.  Avoid having hidden agendas because exchanging is built on trust.
  8. Always listen to the person you deal with. Make him feel that you are giving importance to him. This can motivate the person and in turn, improves his performance.

So, go out and try to decipher the types of influences people use and experiment with a variety of persuasive tactics. Your overall success in business and life will depend on your ability to influence people in a positive way to achieve your goals.


Excerpts from –“ How to influence people and make friends” by Dale Carnegie.

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Hoshang Pathak
A big Hello to everyone out there! This is Hoshang. An 18 Year old BMS student from K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce. I would describe myself as fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, optimistic, ambitious, hard working, goal oriented blah blah blah and the list continues.. My biggest ambition in life is to make it big in the corporate world and be a successful person altogether. I am an avid reader and a keen follower of Politics. If given a chance, I would like to see myself as a catalyst in India's growth in the real sense and work for the under privileged children of our country. That's it for now. Until then, Take Good Care of Yourself! :)


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