How To Influence Your Parents To Accept Your Lover?





Your mother and your girlfriend are two of the most important complex female relationships in a man’s life. It is not that easy to interact with them but it is possible for you to help foster relationship between them.


You should try to be honest and feel free to talk about your girlfriend before she meets her. Tell her what she is like and why you like her etc. All mothers in their hearts want his son to marry a perfect girl because she wants her son to be happy and she also want a place in their children’s life. Create an open forum where you can both express feelings and it will be helpful in opening her mind-set before she meets and judges your girlfriend.


If your mother is judgemental about your girlfriend because your mother holds strong racial/religious/sexuality you have to spend a lot of time to convince her to accept your girlfriend. It is also important that you should try and explain to her the value of this relationship and why you want to be with her.


When they meet, try to steer the conversation towards the good points of your girlfriend that your mother will understand and respect. You know these two women the best, so make the best use of that knowledge.


Ask your mother for feedback, and use this information to help build on the next encounter.


Your mother is still your mother and she should be treated with the respect that role in your life plays. You only get a short time on this earth with her, surely no-one wants that time to be scarred by fighting over a relationship. Remember that you were mother’s “little boy” for many years and it will be difficult for her to feel that anyone is good enough for you. (Your sister will have the same problem with your dad when she’s dating.) So be patient.

Make sure to let your mother know that your girlfriend is not taking your mother’s place in your life. Your mother wants to know that you still need her, not just her money.

Control the urge to talk non-stop about your girlfriend and how wonderful she is. Your mother will likely get annoyed or offended.

Encourage your girlfriend to be sincerely friendly to your mother. Mothers have a good radar, so sincerity is key.

Wait for your parents to invite your girlfriend to family events, especially around the holidays. Your mother will feel somewhat protective of your time together as a family and she’ll have to warm up to the idea of including an “outsider” in those events.



It is very hard to convince your parents for letting you have a boyfriend especially when you have a strict parent’s. It takes lot of courage to tell your parents about your boyfriend. You should tell either one of your parent confidently that you need to talk and tell about your boyfriend and see to it that your parents are in a happy mood.


Tell your parents that you have thought this through but would like their opinion because you respect it. Present your case and tell them that there is a boy you would like to date. Emphasize that you believe you are mature enough to date. Address their fears by assuring them that you will be careful not get into trouble.


Tell them that you will be responsible with your actions and that you will suffer the consequences if anything bad happens.


Do not try to compare yourself to other people your age. Parents will not buy it. Ever.

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