How To Know Who Your Real TRUE Friends Are



True friends ! Such a complex phrase to use in the real world. The meaning of friends has changed so much during these years. When I was small I use to think  a true friend is a wise person who will always be with me no matter what I am and will guide me to a right way if I am going wrong and will love me with a pure heart without doubts.

Such a person exists ?! YES they do but very rarely . The reason why I am saying this is because the people are getting more practical and less emotionally attached with others. Being an emotional person has its own pros and cons I understand,but being so practical that you lose on sensitivity is wrong . I am not saying to a sensitive person,  I am saying to be a person who is a little thoughtful of others especially friends.

True friends perfect definition cannot be found in any books or dictionary. It is this mutual abstract feeling of trust and belief between two people. But to have this feeling one must trust and this is where the problem lies. Nowadays we hardly trust anyone, the reason behind this is that we are scared to be betrayed.

We are afraid that the friend we trust and believe in will betray us. Because you never know what can change a person. That person can stab you on the back and wounds given by a best friend or true friend remains with us forever. 

Now the question comes, How to recognize a True friend ?!


A person who is wise and thoughtful about you. A person who always stands besides you and watches over you silently . A person who encourages you and guides you in the times of confusion. A person who will never talk bad about you in front of other people and will tell you your mistakes in-person. A person who is happy in your happiness and proud of things you do. A person who never get jealous of you no matter what you are . A person with whom you can share any secrets and be yourself . A person who will make you laugh when you are crying .

This a person one can call a TRUE FRIEND !!! 

If you have many friends and you want to know your True friend analyze him or her from the above points and you will know. 

Nowadays people categorize friends into intelligent friend or rich friend or poor friend etc. A True friend is a True friend one cannot categorize a friend into categories,that is shallow thinking. No matter from what background he/she is , if that person is loyal and trustworthy that person is your true friend. It need not be categorized into poor friend or intelligent friend or rich friend. 


A person who discourages you, thinks negative about you , gossips about you is never a true friend. 

Just like love,  Friendship has no boundaries and stays with you forever. 

Sometimes or most of the times a true friend is only one, but is it better to have One True Friend rather than having several friends who are negative about.

Everyone has different ideals about true friend but mine are these and I trust in them .

With one True Friend you can have a life time fun. 






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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.