How to look beautiful?


look Beautiful

Beauty is in the eye of the observer… really? Good to hear but deep down inside don’t we all wanna look beautiful. Let’s be frank and admit it, we all like the attention it’s a part of being human. We just try and be modest when we get a compliment but in our hearts we know it’s the ‘mann me ladoo phoota’ wala feeling. And men are no different from women they also wanna look good and grab eyeballs it’s just that women are too obvious while men play the cool card all along.

How hard is it to look beautiful? Not that hard, accords to me. Yes, I know beauty is perceived differently by each one of us. For some beauty may be a dewdrop on a petal, the sunrise or sunset, the spark in an eye, the smile of your loved ones, the gorgeous and loyal look of your pet, the charm of the moon, etc. But what lies common to all of this and to each one of us is that beauty is something that touches ones heart. It’s got the simplicity to just walk down your heart. Beauty is something which builds confidence and lights up your mood. It makes you beam and smile all day long. True beauty lies in every heart.

Having said this you can imagine what a cakewalk it is to look beautiful. All you have to do is be yourself. Sorry if you were expecting tips for makeup and beauty products or the advice on branded clothes. Yes all of that will make you look good or even great but I am sorry it won’t make you look beautiful. We get so carried away by materialistic things and in a bid to look better we sometimes loose ourselves. Maybe a dress looks good on a mannequin but if you’re not comfortable in it you can’t look beautiful in it however expensive it may be. The best of products and expensive bags and accessories can’t light up your day and make you feel confident.

Knowing yourself and accepting yourself the way you are is the best way to start looking beautiful. You should keep reminding yourself how good you are and love yourself. You have the time to love the whole world except yourself. Keeping work pressure at bay and being stress free will ensure your beauty doesn’t fade away. Smiling always helps and you are not being charged or taxed for a good laugh. Always stay in the company of positive and optimistic people; they keep the environment lively and cheerful. Never let anyone pull you down for the wrong reason a low self esteem is a bad trigger for beauty. Follow your heart and at times do things to make yourself happy. It’s very important to be happy to look beautiful.

The best way to look beautiful is to see yourself in your parent’s eyes. Come what may they will always find you beautiful. Whether it’s your bad hair day, your poorly dressed, your life is in a mess, your upset, your weight has increased or decreased, you’ve lost your job, etc their eyes would always tell you how beautiful you are. 🙂

Anjani M Nautiyal

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