How To Make Amazing Dark Chocolate At Home



Who doesn’t like chocolates, it is popular among children, teenagers, couples, adults everyone. When it comes to dark chocolate, it has that amazing mesmerizing taste which will take you to another world. Chocolates are for sharing love and happiness. Dark chocolates reduce blood pressure, reduce depression and reduce cholesterol. Chocolates may harm your teeth and does increase weight but it has that pleasure when you eat it, you just feel it and that is what makes chocolate so popular in the world. Chocolates are easy to make and here is a recipe to make Dark Chocolate at home.


Things you’ll need:

Cocoa Powder

Baking Soda

Salt, Butter, Sugar

Vanilla Cream



Boil water and add Boiling water to the Cocoa Powder and leave it to get cool.

Make two mixtures, one of Baking Soda, salt, flour and cocoa and another of Butter, Sugar, , Cream and Flour.

Add all the mixtures simultaneously to one pan of boiled water.

Bake it for half an hour in an oven.


See it’s so easy to make a dark chocolate. So with a few steps enjoy the pleasure of eating chocolate and blow your mind away.


– Jainam Jhaveri


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