How to make Effective Presentations?


On second day of our personal development session  v were taught about the presentation skills. Only the few important points are explained below.

1)      Our slides should be ICE-

ICE stands for informative, convincing & entertaining.

Convince the information in an entertaining manner.

2)      Audience

Audience are much important person.

While presenting know that who is are our audience.

Their- age,gender, intellectual level, background(social, cultural, financial).

What do they expect from speaker –content, how are you qualified to perceive as an expert, delivery style.

3)      Presentation< —-> gift.

Assume presentation as an gift.

Give time, knowledge, experience towards it.

No one likes sub-standard gift. So give your best.

4)      How to get started

Gather material

Source-books( expensive but quality,internet-flexible& cheap,friends. Select the source which is best suitable according to the situation.

What to collect-quotes, stories,jokes,shayari,pictures,visuals,charts,details of subject matter.

5)      Elimination process

What is must & what negligible or very less useful/important.

6)    Structure

Theme -> opening, body, & closing -> smooth transition -> rehearse -> cue card.

7)      Tools of presentation

Having knowledge of basic as well as latest technology.

8)      Basic rules of slides

Like font should not be too large or too small, font type maximum two styles, stylish fonts not applicable in business presentation.

On the third & last day we had lot of fun with learning. Those who want to improve their english  language must have visit to esl, the website solely for learners. On 3rd day we were focused on team work.

Corporate world give lot of importance to team work. They want team members to have the qualities of motivation, interaction, hard working, interest, conflict management, efficiency, discipline,upcoming person.Each  team members need not have all the above qualities but the whole team should consist of these qualities. This can best explained & learn through the activities.

One of the activity was, whole batch was divided into four team. Each team provided limited material to make had. & which team makes the best as well as best hat is the winner.

This activity taught us about the coordination between the member, creativity in limited time, work division, assembling of each members contribution, most important time management. Like this many activity was conducted which was a creative & entertaining way to learn things which we are generally  taught in a boring & theoretical way.

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