How to make placement effective ?


In order to focus on effective place programme following steps should be undertaken.

1)      Job Rotation:

The technique of rotating ire employee among different jobs in the department enables the employee to, satisfy his aptitude for challenging work and finds the match between himself and the job.

2)      Teamwork:

The recent trend of job design is team building. The teamwork allows employees to use their  knowledge, abilities etc. and it minimizes the problems in placement.

3)      Training and development:

Continuous employee training and management development help the employees to acquire new skills and knowledge, based on the redesigned jobs. This practice solves the placement problems.

4)      Job Enrichment:

Job enrichment provides challenging work and decision-making authority to the employees. It gives the opportunity of utilizing the varied skills of the employees and minimizes problems in management.

5)      Empowerment:

Employee empowerment relating to the job makes the employee exploit his potentialities and make use of them. This technique reduces the problems in placement.

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