How To Make Yourself Work When You Are Bored To


Do you aim to achieve high but find it difficult to stick with your goals and dreams? Do you find it difficult to stay focused for very long? Do you find yourself slogging through useless and boring work?


Here are 13 ways to make your job a little more interesting and stay focused to what you are doing:

1)      Have more power than you think and take responsibility.

2)      Don’t depend on others or expect others to fix your problems.

3)      Make a list of “nice to-do things” that aren’t urgent but you would enjoy working on them whenever you are bored.

4)      Keep yourself engaged with new challenging responsibilities – this would kill boredom.

5)      Explore more growth opportunities that will require your brain to be used.

6)      Take on interesting projects / tasks that will push you outside your comfort zone.

7)      Have a friend at your workplace who would keep you motivated.

8)      Discuss your problems and ask for suggestions from a friend who will have a better overall outlook at work.

9)      Learn new skills to be a more competitive member of the workforce.

10)  Improve your future opportunities for career growth and success by improving your abilities and making yourself more valuable in the current position.

11)  If boredom still persists, identify the root cause of your boredom. Ask yourself questions like : Does your work doesn’t engage or leverage your skills? Are you in the wrong job? Are you bored because you work more or you lack work? What kind of work will keep you motivated?

12)  Figure out the things which keeps you focused. Explore ways to align your career with interesting things.

13)Spend 20% time in doing things that are required part of the job and 80% of the time in doing things that is fun, engaging and gives you job satisfaction.

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