How to miss your deadlines again and again? Learn it from University!


How to miss your deadlinesLearn it from University of Mumbai as they missed one more deadline to finish the online assessment of engineering answer papers on Monday. Engineering papers’ online assessment was already delayed by a month as most teachers were out on leave and there were technical issues in the beginning. It began in full swing only from 1st week of January 2014. At that time, the super-confident University postponed the academic term which was scheduled on 2nd January 2014 to 13th January 2014.

Then what?
In the 10 days span of time, MU could complete the assessment of second and eighth semesters only (ATKT).

So what about 1st and 7th semester regular students?
Since the answer papers of 1st and 7th semester regular students were highest in numbers, they are still incomplete and will be done in fortnight.

Why did this happen?
There were only 10 limited assessment centres selected from 65 engineering colleges affiliated to the university.

How will the pending work get finished?
University is now adding 10 more assessment centres to the existing 10 and teachers will have to conduct lectures and evaluate papers for 15 days. Teachers would assess the papers either before or after their lectures as and when time permits. They would be now in hurry to complete the paper evaluation, conduct lectures, travel to 2 colleges in a day leading to delay in results declaration.

What’s the take of Principals?
Principals opine that more centres should have been introduced right at the beginning, atleast 25 could have equipped with the technical requirements for online assessment. But the University wanted to start only in limited centres. Also the process should speed up.
again and again? Learn it from University!

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