How To Perform Well In A Group Interview



A personal interview lowers your preparation work to some extent but when you are about to counter a group interview your preparations need a much more scale. A group interview means a room of all the fellow interviewees and the interviewer of course. If you plan to give your interview only to the interviewer the things won’t favor you. What will make you stand out is you’re overall performance in the room. You have to pay your part to everyone sitting there. So here are some tips to deal with such a group interview and give a valid performance.



Be content ready about the company. Research on the internet well about the company. Visit the company’s site, cheque in everything. Also view other links and information related to the company on other places, don’t just visit the site. Know about the company’s financial performance, company’s history, specialization, and uniqueness in the market, rivals companies, losses or profits in a year, marketing strategy and the main work no doubt. See if the company has its own blog where the employees post their experiences and reviews, or in the site itself.

You will get an idea about the atmosphere and working style to some extent which will help you greatly.

Then make sure you know about the position you are applying for and how your qualifications, qualities and background best suits for the position as you will be asked questions on that. Prepare your short introductory speech which will say all about your education, experience, your personal career goals, and at which position you will fit the company. PRACTICE the interview with your friends/family. Create a group of interviewees and interviewers and handle them some questions too. Answer questions and also see how others do it, it will help you to figure out the behavior of people and how you can react your best to it. If the practice goes well, you will end up with a lot of things to work on you and discover some tips there itself.



ARRIVE EARLY. As it is always a disciplined act and also because it serves you some benefits. You get a chance to magnify all the other fellow interviewees and talk with them. You will feel settled and in the atmosphere rather if you come late – the scornful fellow people will only lower your confidence. So don’t take a risk. Have a chat with all and show that you are friendly, which is very important. But make sure you don’t eat everyone’s ears as they too are trying to throw the same tricks. If someone else tries to temper you out or speak a lot, just be polite and say you need some time to be alone and prepare yourself and move to another room.

Be polite and courteous to all your fellow interviewees as your interviewer has an eye on everyone. Don’t let your first impression go down by speaking too loud or impolite. Be very alert and keep your rabbit’s ears open. Be attentive as everyone speak as you too have to jump in the circle with a strong talk. Be ready for anything, be enthusiastic. Dull rats are not entertained by any company and also because you’re every moment will be noted.

BE CONSIDERATE. They might be looking for leadership skills so you know what leadership skills is. But don’t be loud or bossy to portrait that. Instead be the smart leader-ask for suggestions, be humble but strong.

LISTEN. You need to listen to everyone because you are not alone in the room neither you are the boss. So brush your ears well on an interview day and listen. That doesn’t means mere listening. Listen to work. You have to react or come out with a point after your listening work. They may give you some instructions or ask a twisted question, or even sarcasm.

GIVE OTHERS A TURN and co-ordinate well. This will brace your leadership skills and will impress the interviewer. Don’t try to make the entire broth on your own and get the tag “I DID IT”. No leader does that. MAKE EYE CONTACT with each and every one. Only seeing one person while speaking will withdraw the attention of all …also because you’re fellow interviewees are your competitors. They will try to push you down whenever possible. Don’t get screwed by these cheap tactics. Make eye – contact with everyone. Direct your pitch at everyone. PRAISE OTHERS FOR THEIR GOOD IDEAS. This is a good way to show your friendliness and judgment ability at the same time. Include the quieter people too and ask them for their personal opinions. But don’t delegate your speaking chance to someone else. That will subtract a lot of your points.

DON’T BE SHY. You just cannot be shy in an interview, you will be fired on the spot. If you don’t find anything to speak, wait. As you find yourself clinging to an issue …speak up. Don’t feel that the entire discussion has these people who are speaking a lot and now your chance to participate is gone. NEVER ever this happens. Even if you are quite but responsive you have chances. But don’t feel the participation period is over. Interact immediately when you find it. People will come time to time to listen what you are speaking. SMILE. This will give the best sight to your personality and is required everywhere. If you appear dull or not-interested or grumpy you won’t score well.

BADE GOODBYE to the interviewers and thank them for the opportunity and time. You can send a follow-up letter too, just to be more formal and impressive.

So follow these tips and master all your interviews. BEST OF LUCK! 🙂





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