1) Remove the fear of numerical and do not have preconceived notions about this paper.
2) Believe in yourself and do not fall prey to rumors.
3) Students should interpret the questions properly.
4) All chapters are important. Students can exercise options during exams and not while studying.
5) Students should carry 2 calculators to avoid last minute panic if the calculator is not working. They should have adequate stationary when appearing for exams.
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6) Students should take utmost care while writing ‘zero’. Read the questions carefully whether units or values are to be expressed in hundreds or thousands or lakhs or crores.
7) For scoring better, subject should be revised atleast thrice before the exams.
8) Focused approach while studying and writing paper will boost their confidence and they will do well in this paper. Positive approach will further benefit them.
9) Minimum 5 past university papers should be solved to get acquainted with time management while writing the exam.
10) Maximum time to write 1 answer of 7.5 marks is 15 minutes.
By Prof. Prathma Nemane