How To Prepare For Service Sector Management & IMTP: Quick Tips By Prof. Shital Mody


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For Service Sector Management:

  • Students should know all the concepts thoroughly.
  • Explanation of the answers with examples is always best.
  • In case study, students should explain the concept first which is asked in the questions below the case and then write the answers by linking / referring it to the case.
  • Easiest way to study service sector is by noting all the concepts asked in the past 10 years on a book and revising them regularly.
  • Recommended book for Service sector Management is Rishabh Publications.
  • If you wish to score maximum marks in the subject then write answers point-wise.
  • Important chapters / units are : Service recovery, Service delivery and Service complaints.


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  • Each and every concept of IMTP is important to score well in exams.
  • You can refer to Prof. Anita Bobade’s book for this subject.
  • You can keep the case study to attempt in the last ½ hour of the exam.
  • The first / earlier 2 hours can be utilized to answer the paper.



All the best for your exams!



By Prof. Shital Mody

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