How to Prioritize When Everything is a Priority: 3 Amazing Tips



Are you already drowned in the amount of work you have which can’t seem to end? You have already missed your deadline and still slogging with your work? One thing you just can’t miss to learn how you will prioritize your work better. While prioritizing your work you should be extremely conscious as what you select first will get done. Or else you will be spending or rather wasting your precious seconds on something which could have wait.


So to help you out there are some tips that will help you to prioritize your priority:

  1. Make a Master list: Jot everything which needs to be done. For instance, Work related stuff, personal stuff or the things you need to do for your family. Make a long list. Don’t worry at this stage about organizing or ordering your tasks. This first step can be a random “brain dump” of things you need to get done in all areas of your life.


  1. Break it into Different Categories: The next step is to divide the master list you’ve created into categories representing the different areas of your life. For example, you may have a list with the categories like Work, Family, and Personal Life. After you have decided which categories you have all together, put respective task into respective categories. No ! not in order of  priority, it’s just to help you separate your tasks by category.


  1. Prioritizing: Now that you have different list of each category, put each of your lists in order from most important tasks to least important. Depending on the complexity of the task assign it numbers. As the most complex task is done first the items on the list below will be much easier to do.


The initial creation and sorting of your lists is the hardest part. Once you have those steps behind you, the rest becomes a matter of simple maintenance that will pay off in better time management.




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