How To Rock A Geek Look



You think dressing up like a geek is not happening and outdated?It is much cooler then you thought so. Because it is all about showing that you ain’t afraid of being a geek.Infact you can rock it!Here are tips on how to do so:-


1. Embrace Your Skinnies & Crops

 skinnies and crop

Skinny jeans and cropped pants have been on every fashionista’s radar for awhile now and coloured skinnies and crops have been everywhere. But guess what! Geeks have truly been owning this look long before we were! They’re also essential to completing your geek look!While solid blacks, greys and browns will work, brightly coloured or printed will draw lots of attention to your excellent personal style. !

Want to take it to the next level? Why not try a cute pair of girly suspenders to complete the look?

2. Own Your Graphic Tees

 It is not just for band boys but cute fitted graphic tees for women are everywhere! This look is perfect for an afternoon movie or a concert with friends and looks great when paired with jeans or your Geek Chic cropped pants!

 download (22)

3. Strut Your Oxfords


This classic footwear choice is not only a true Geek staple item but Oxfords are still as chic as ever. Wish to add some colour to your look? Try a coloured pair to dress up a neutral pair of cropped pants like  blue velvet Oxfords .Looking for something a little flirtier? Why not try an Oxford inspired flat.Not only will your feet appreciate a break from the heels, you’ll look chic and professional wherever your day takes you in Oxfords.

4. Rock the Lenses

Prescription or not, there’s never been a cooler time to wear specs! If you’re already a glasses wearer, it may be time to think about getting a new or second pair! If you don’t require glasses, who says you can’t fake it? At the very least, you can embrace a new pair of Geek chic inspired sunglasses!

opt for smart sunglasses that suit your face



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Riya Lokhande


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