How to rock even with a fractured hand or leg?



                                     Yes, you heard me right… Rock as in enjoy life, have fun or chill. A fracture not only causes tremendous pain but also makes an individual an immovable property for months and temporarily handicapped. This often leaves one grumpy and irritated. The pain in breathtaking and to top it all, ones daily activities come to a standstill. In such a situation it seems as if the sky has fallen on you as you’re not even allowed to move. But trust me there are ways one could enjoy even in that state.

We move with fast space in our daily lives as we have to steer ourselves from the crowd and stand apart. To catch up with competition and peer pressure we keep pushing ourselves to a level where we end up sprinting. We get so accustomed with the pace of things that sitting for a minute also makes us restless. In the event of a fracture the idea of rest and not moving for months becomes nauseating.

There are ways one could avoid the nausea. For once you don’t have to get up at the sound of your alarm and run for your classes or college. There is a lot of time which goes in sleeping and resting as the body needs recovery. You are the centre of attraction of the whole family. A lot of attention is being showered on you and trust me it feels great. You are being taken care of, you are bathed or sponged, fed, your hair is combed in short you are being loved unconditionally and endlessly. Your friends are all around you, offering additional help; it’s also a nice opportunity to judge your friends as it’s at such times you realise who genuinely loves and cares for you.

You just have to name the thing and you get it whether it’s the channel you want to see on TV, or the dish you want to eat, or the snack you want from somewhere… anything at all. You’d be treated like a prince/princess. There is all the time in the world and you can indulge in the hobby which has been on the backburner for a long time. Maybe read a novel; learn something new via internet, research on your area of interest, etc. Catching on movies missed, listening to music, having your close friends at your place frequently, catching up with people you haven’t spoken for long, etc will come naturally.

Whatsapp and Internet give a new lease of life at such times. Checking your friend’s updates and pictures is good enough for time pass. It completely depends on your attitude and approach in life. If you want you can rock your life even with a fractured hand or leg just like Bella Swan attended her college function with Edward Cullen with a cast in her leg in the movie “The Twilight Saga”. You could do much more than that with the love and support of family and friends and your willingness to be happy.



– Anjani Nautiyal

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  1. True…!!! All you need with you is d idea of being happy n doin sm crap thins you havent done foh a while…!! Hai nah Anjani:-P

  2. True…!!! All you need with you is d idea of being happy n doin sm crap thins you havent done in a while…!! Hai nah Anjani:-P

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