How To Rock The Ripped Jeans Look



It is the torn jeans that continue to grow up and evolve, able to be worn in the most casual or most sophisticated of ways. Meanwhile other takes on shredded denim – like overalls and cutoffs – also make the trend list.

Each season brings along new finishes and fresh denim silhouettes that work towards expanding the myriad of styles already available on the market. In the case of the distressed jeans, the added choices include going all skinny, adopting a straight, relaxed cut or opting for a slouchier silhouette instead. If you find yourself torn between the three, just know you’ll end up looking equally relevant in either one of them.

In terms of colour, the ripped denim options for  2014 are equally varied. From washed to dark blues, from white to black and the occasional gray in between, with or without embellishments, everything goes as long as it features the mandatory holes and shreds.

How to wear shredded jeans:

Choosing the appropriate style and silhouette represents only half of the fashion equation, while knowing how to wear the shredded jeans in a perfectly stylish matter both this spring and into 2014, stands for the other half. Together they aim to make you stand out on the streets with little effort whatsoever.

Wearing the ripped jeans in a casual manner implies more than often picking the way of the boyfriend silhouette. Relaxed, effortless but down-right cool, this is the style to consider if you favor comfort and easiness in your looks. If slouchy is not your thing, opt for bootleg and straight jeans that are also easy-to-wear and extremely comfortable. For this:

Pair your cuffed boyfriend jeans with basic staples up top (tank tops, white button-downs, or statement sweatshirts); preserve their carefree orientation by wearing them with pointy flats, or a cool pair of sneakers, but know that you can never go wrong with heels;Limit your accessories to a roomy bag and add a floral bomber or a denim jacket for more of an effortlessly, street-ready look.

If your goal for this season and beyond is to turn the shredded jeans into the ultimate expression of sophistication, this too can be done by keeping things on the uncomplicated and effortless path.

For a sophisticated approach:-

Pair your distressed jeans with delicate floral blouses and crop tops, layered underneath sleek blazers or biker jackets;Wear your torn-up jeans with a sheer button-down in a delicate pastel shade, favoring the inverse shirt buttoning;Team the cuffed ripped denims with a pair of high heels (printed pumps, ankle strap, cutout or lace-up sandals);Style your denim look with a soft, easy hair-do: deconstructed milkmaid braids, soft low ponytails, sporty french braids.

Although referred as a staple of the woman’s wardrobe today, the ripped denim trend is no longer limited to jeans. Aside from the cut off denim shorts, this year maintains ripped overalls as part of the ’90s glorious revival.


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Riya Lokhande


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