How to solve case study in theory subjects?



I find case studies very difficult to answer in theory subjects like Ethics,SSM(Service Sector Management) & HRM. pls suggest me how can i get over it and score good marks in case studies.



Case study is a story given about some company which involves the issues related to the company related to a particular topic/subject like Human Resource Management, Logistics Management and so on.

How to crack a case study-

1) Collect the facts and analyze them – While reading the case, underline the main factual statements, decisions made by the firm and key points which will highlight the main problems of the case and then analyze the facts by interpreting and reviewing the decisions of the individuals and the firm.

2) Identify the main problems/key issues and analyze – Problems in the case are mostly hidden. So read the case again and again to identify the key issues. Facts may help you in identifying the problem. Analyze the characteristics and reasons of the issues involved in the case. Examine them with your knowledge of the concepts related to the subject.

3) Do SWOT analysis of the case – Find out the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the company/ case which will help you to find the possible solutions to the problems.

4) List alternative course of action and evaluate them and then Recommend the best course of action – Be precise about which alternative is best and make realistic conclusion. It should reveal your good understanding of the case and have logical reasoning.

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