How To Start A Writing Career When You Are In FYBMS


Writing Career


What would you think if your friend tells you that he / she want to try writing career??? Either you may be very supportive about it or you can make fun out of it. These reactions were of my friends. As a student of Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) no one expects you to focus on writing career, everybody wants you to focus on your bookish knowledge.
Here is the thing that I realized; there is no time, no age or background needed to start your career in writing. There is only one thing required, that is your passion to write. Writing is a way of expressing your thoughts or your ideas. You must have heard the famous phrase- “pen is more powerful than a sword”. A written thing always has more credibility than any verbal or any other way.
Now the question that arises is how to start a writing career when you are in BMS first year. You definitely can’t start writing your book and publish, so the first thing you can do is start reading as many types of books as possible like novels (fiction/ non- fiction). That will help you know about different writing styles and phrases to be used. When you see an English series or read any book written by foreign author, you basically come to know about different kind of cultures in different countries in different age groups. These things help you a lot when you attempt to write something of your own.

Writing Career 1

Being a BMS student I know that a student from BMS department can write anything on any topic. A BMS student is always full of ideas when they see any topic….and why so??? Because we are management students, we have all the answers and solutions of all the problems. For us, all the situation can be managed no matter how worse is it…..right friends??
First year students bring new ideas and energy to the college. They have unimaginable amount of energy to do various kinds of work at the same time. In your first year you can learn to manage your time and try to adapt the behaviour of reading books or you can dedicate part of your free time to write on your own. Then there are many kind of competitions are there in the college like content writing, one of the great example is of “I am an author” writing competition of website. Participate in these types of competition, express your ideas and try to give your best whatever you have learned by reading other books. The internet is a boon for the young generation, especially students. Internet have opened many new opportunities for students, there are part time jobs available which can be done from home. There are many unpaid/paid internships so that you get chance to showcase your writing work and you will also gain experience. These things also provide you the base of making your future writing career strong as you get all the kind of guidance you need from your seniors.
According to me, whenever you get a chance to show your writing skills grab it and use it well. Don’t hesitate because every successful person starts from somewhere, this can be your start point.


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