How to study for CMAT?

  1. Temperature Check
  2. Complete the basics
  3. Sectional tests and exercises
  4. Start taking mocks every week
  5. Improve your weaker section
  6. Find shortcuts and strategies

Temperature check

Most common question in the mind of most of the students is where to start! This temperature check tool will help you analyze where you stand and how much improvement you need. Spend around 1 hour to 30 mins on this and at the end of it you will get a clear picture of your scores.

It will take one month to improve your weaker section. If you like a stranger and directly propose her she will slap! So first know her by talking to her, take her out for coffee then give your luck a try. Similarly start with the solved examples to know the topic well. Then try some more exercises to gain knowledge about the subject. Finally try to take some sectional tests to see your performance. Temperature check is given on next page.


Complete the basics | Revise the basics

By basics we mean what should be able to solve every question given in the books without any problem.  If you have already completed the material available to you then move on to other books we would recommend RS Agrawal for all topics. Once you have completed the basics start the cycle of revising them all.

You will definitely score more than 100 – 120 marks if you have done the basics.


Sectional Tests and exercises

Start taking sectional tests and time based exercises. We would recommend taking 2 – 3 tests a week will see where you stand and how much improvement you need.


If you are unable to find any books with enough tests then start using your current book and start taking tests of 20 – 40 questions in 30 minutes.


Start taking mocks

We consider mocks to be kicks. Start taking mocks once every week, this will help you gauge your performance and know where you stand. Mock scores will also help you identify your aim and strategy for the last few days before CMAT. Please start your mocks even if you have not completed the chapters. Completing everything is a never ending process so start taking mocks from this week onwards.

We have good mock taking strategies program called mock engineering program but we won’t open our cards till you have solved a few mocks and have made some strategies. Then call us and we will help you frame a fool proof strategy for mocks.

It takes 3 hours to take a mock but will take another 2 hours to analyse the mocks. We have created a flowchart which will help you know where you stand and how much improvement you need in every section. Analysis should include your attempted, non-attempted questions.  Silly mistakes and guess work attempts.


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Rav Singh Cetking
Rav Singh is a founder of Cetking Education. He has been conducting strategy and shortcuts classes for CAT, CMAT and other exams in Mumbai and Pune for the last 5 years. For more guidance and interaction join him on facebook:


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