How To Survive And Avoid ATKT BMS Exams?


How To Survive And Avoid ATKT BMS Exams?

ATKT exam

ATKT exams are the worst thing that can happen in your BMS course. You will have to study again for the same subject and you will get a mark sheet with an ATKT mentioned as a remark. This can affect your Job placements and interviews. Hence, passing a BMS exam is of utmost importance. Here are some tips to avoid ATKT exams.


  1. Take down all written notes given during the lectures and focus mainly on that content.

You need to attend lectures and write notes and refer them while studying for your exam. You can make your own notes too, but you need to attend lectures and mark the questions in the textbook.


  1. Study the question bank thoroughly.

Come what may, your question bank must be thorough and revise it again and again. You will have to make your own question bank if teachers don’t provide one to you. You have to consider studying from a question bank as a risk, because college gives only 75% of the questions out of which 50% comes in the exams. So, you will have to study extra stuff also.


  1. Refer previous year’s exam papers.

You need to collect and refer all the previous few year’s question papers and find answers to each question and study from them also. Usually the portion and syllabus remains the same with a few changes. Make sure you refer the right questions.


  1. Join any classes for difficult subjects.

Although BMS doesn’t require any classes, but if you feel you have chances of failing in any subject, you can join classes for that subject. Usually BMS students join classes for accounts. If you’re a science or arts student, it is advisable to take admission in any classes since you have accounts for all 3 semesters.

 ATKT Exam


  1. If you have already received an ATKT, you need to start studying way before the exam dates.

Since ATKT are carried forward in the next semester, you will have to cope up and study for both simultaneously. Instead start preparing first hand to avoid any confusion.


  1. Attend all lectures.

Professors give important questions and answers during the lectures. You need to note them down and study. You will also receive 5 marks for attendance. These 5 marks may not seem important but for an ATKT person, these 5 marks have an importance to pass.


  1. Study from one publication only.

Don’t confuse yourself by studying from ‘n’ number of books. Just refer the best publication suggested by your teacher. You don’t need to study from any reference books and all.


  1. Read all case studies in the back of any publications for each subject.

Case studies are very important and although they may seem easy to write in the exam, they are not. You need to read many examples and analyse how exactly the case is answered. You need to practise a few case studies and only then you will be fully prepared for the exam.


 ATKT exam hall

These tips will definitely save you from getting an ATKT in any semester. You can also ask your seniors to help you and guide you in any subject. This article will surely help you to survive and pass ATKT exams.



By Rhea Shetty.

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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.