How to survive Valentine’s- the perfect tips for all Singles!



Being single is an amazing feeling! No nagging, disturbing, distracting, sorry and please because I spoke to someone you don’t like and so much more of blah and blah that comes with a relationship; don’t believe me read on why it’s amazing to be single and get that straight before we proceed the guide: .

Now that we have it clear that being single is great, comes the painful part ‘Valentine’s Day’. This is the day marketing guru’s exploit to their advantage making sure that every ‘single’ soul can’t eat a chocolate or go to a cafe without feeling lonely. The gift shops, music channels, movie theaters or even cake shops all have the lovey dovey gook to them.

Everything around you gets red and full of heart shaped designs; the utter over-sweetness of the ordeal kills you and eventually makes you want it. After all how much torture can a poor heart sustain!

 Here I give you the top pointers to keep in mind this Valentine’s to ensure you don’t get the Valentine Virus and end up ruining your life just because marketing guru’s across the globe are successful at selling love.

  1. Remind yourself that this is just a phase and it will pass.
  2. Open up old facebook albums with your irritating/ dominating/ cranky or all of these exe’s were there and remind yourself of all the reasons why you choose to be single.
  3. Even if you feel the need for someone, don’t make the mistake of randomly proposing a friend just because you want a date. Just imagine the wreckage at the end of the week when you will have to be in a committed relationship with this person or have a break up and end the friendship completely.
  4. Love isn’t bad or wrong, but if you are single go ahead and remind yourself that maybe this isn’t the right time which is why you are single. It helps a lot in fighting the depression and loneliness people go through at such times.
  5. Go to parties and have fun with your single friends, who says valentine’s is only for cuddly couples.

Valentine’s also happens to be the best season for flirting and casual dating. Now you shall ask me what about points 3 and 4 I just asked you to keep in mind, so read on before you make up assumptions! Casual flirting and dating, going out with the friend that you like, this is the best time provided you know your emotional limits and won’t get deeply involved.

Feel the love in the air and enjoy it as much as you can, just don’t let this wonderful season make you feel lonely, believe me so much depression just for a day that people feel should be celebrated as a couple isn’t required at all.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.

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