How To Tackle Anxiety Attacks Or Panic Attacks



There are many people who suffer from Anxiety or panic attacks. In such condition it very hard to cope up with the actual situation. 

In anxiety attacks or in panic attack your mind is stuck at fearful thoughts. 

Some times it might happen if you are phobic to something. Depending to what you are phobic to, anything can trigger anxiety attacks or panic attacks. 

It more of a psychological thing. 

In anxiety attacks one will shortness of breath, nausea, muscle spasm etc. 

I will sharing with you all some tips on how to tackle a anxiety attacks or panic attacks.

1) Deep Breathing 

If you feel you are going to get panic attack then try to take a deep breath, hold it in for 5 seconds and then leave it. 

It will make you feel better , you can avoid panic or anxiety attacks by doing this. 

2) Yoga 

If you are the kind of person who get anxiety attacks quite frequent, then try doing some Yoga. As it will help you a lot in this situation. With help of Yoga you can easily prevent constant anxiety you are facing and will also make you concentrate on positive sides.

3) Walks 

In you are not in Yoga, then Walks are the best thing you can do for anxiety. Talking a long walk will freshen you up and will also help you to get rid of anxiety. You will get a long term benefit from doing this. So do go on walks regularly. 

4) Talk to a Therapist 

If you are having severe anxiety or panic attack then you must consult a therapist. As the therapist can give you proper treatment. In severe cases the above things will not work for a person. 

Anxiety attacks are pretty bad, most of the times they happen due a situation which is extremely stressful for a person to handle. 

In such situation a person loses control over mind. So must know how to tackle such situation. 

If you are courageous enough confront you fears. Confronting your fears will help you getting over from this attacks.

Slowly try confront them and you will see the difference it makes.

Be Fearless and Happy 






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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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