How To: Tie A Neat Donut Bun!


donut bun

Styling a beautiful donut bun is an amazing way to glam it all up! Trust me,it is no task! Here are some simple steps to follow:-

1. Find a clean sock. The closer to your hair color the better. Use an old pair because you will be cutting the toe off.

2. Roll the sock down beginning from the top. The sock will begin to form a doughnut shape. Make sure it is evenly shaped.

3. Cut the toe off the sock. Roll up the rest of the material. It should now look like a doughnut with no excess material hanging off. Set aside.

4. Pull all hair into a ponytail. Comb the hair of the ponytail so it will be free of tangles and easier to style.

5. Pull the ponytail through the hole in your sock doughnut. The sock, or doughnut form, should be at the base of the ponytail against your head.

donut bun1

6. Lean forward and spread your ponytail evenly around the sock doughnut. If your hair is wet, you might want to use a comb. Make sure that your hair completely hides the sock.

If you don’t want extra hair around your bun, pull the sock up to the end of the ponytail and tuck the ends in, folding your hair into the bun until it’s snuggly against your head; you may need to pin up rebellious hairs.

7. Hold the bun in place and stretch an elastic hair band around the doughnut to secure the hair.

8. Tuck in excess ends and secure with bobby pins.

And you are all done!


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Riya Lokhande


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