How to Trick Your Mind To Do Things It Doesn’t Want To Do



Have you ever felt  like your brain is messing around in your overloaded head? Like it’s bullying you or  convincing you to do things that aren’t actually in your best interest? The only defence you have against your dexterous brain is to fight i.e. to trick it right back.

There are many convoluted messages human mind ponders upon. It’s like the evil relative who enjoys seasoning the wounds with salt and creating havoc in the household. So my response would probably be to run away, hide my head in the sand, just avoid thinking about it. I don’t want to do it, but I don’t want the consequences of not doing it.

For instance, you have some work and your tricky witchy brain tells you that its boring, you are tired, will do it tomorrow blah blah blah. Sit back and ponder , will procrastinating help? Or it will just shield you from the tsunami of stress for a period of time.

Hiding from works won’t end your suffering. So it’s time you say to your tricky mind ‘Enough of your tricks to fuel my suffering’. I know it likes to make up stories to trick me into believing that things are really, really bad and hard and scary.

What matters is that we recognize how our minds work and that we have the tools in our personal development toolboxes to confidently take control of our tricky minds.


 Below are some points that will help you to trick your tricky mind.


  • Question your thoughts and fears thoroughly and shine the light of truth on them.
  • Break down the task or problem into small, manageable parts.
  • Create a system of accountability to light a fire under you.
  • Be happy that will really help you to have a stress free life.
  • Cling on to the positive aspects but do not underestimate the negativism.


  • Do your stuffs on time instead of procrastinating.
  • Do not give on to your cravings.
  • Don’t be self obsessed narcissist.

Do these things to be more confident and take action toward anything you want to do. Unfortunately, these are some points where your brain tricks you. The best thing you can do is be aware of these phenomena so you won’t fall prey to them as often.

 By :Basmah Ansari S.A

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