How to Turn a guy down politely?



                                       You’ve got a proposal and you have no clue how to react. The worst part is saying ‘yes’ can be still done easily but most of us don’t have the courage and the knack of saying ‘no’. A girl always knows how she feels about a guy right from the beginning, trust me. When she sees the proposal coming her way, she gets nervous mainly when she knows that she has to turn it down. The big question is how to do it without hurting the guy who could be a friend, neighbour, family friend, classmate, colleagues, friend’s brother or cousin, etc.

Most of the girls are scared of losing the friendship or bond which exists between the 2 persons. Though she is clear about her feelings for the guy she is also clear of having no intention of hurting his sentiments or emotions. I think a girl can manage this situation if handled with care and tact. Women are blessed with a sixth sense and so we get the feelers. The best thing to do would be to maintain a safe distance and always draw a line however close the friendship be. If somehow still the girl gives out wrong signals or the guy gets the feelers then the best way would be to face the situation and speak the truth clearly via a face to face conversation.

The girl has to take the initiative and make the guy understand her feelings and views about their relationship. With understanding and patience the situation can be handled very gracefully. There may be some awkwardness in the relation after such an encounter but if the relation is maintained well there won’t be a single awkward moment. It’s very important for both the girl and guy to behave with sensibly and with maturity.

There are some girls who behave otherwise and don’t care about the feelings of the guy simply because they do not reciprocate the same emotions. They rudely and mercilessly turn the guy down and hurt him to such an extent that sometimes it becomes very difficult for the guys to cope. These girls are very materialistic in their approach and flaunt the no of proposals and make up an entertaining story of ‘how a guy fell for her’ while narrating it to her friends. Women it’s time we grow up and learn to respect people who love us and also have the courtesy towards the guy who had the courage to express his true feelings.

However the worst are the ones who don’t want to hurt the guy and say ‘yes’ without having any feelings for the guy, simply for the fear of losing a friend or just to get into a relationship. Such girls make a fool of themselves. Rarely such relations work in the long run as very few fall in love.

All I am saying is say ‘NO’ if you don’t like the guy but kindly do it gracefully. At least maintain the friendship or relation the way it was before. Talk it over on a cup of coffee or movie; malls are always open for a heart to heart chat. As bad as no may sound to that guy I think a girl could still make it sound good with some special effort and you have a lifetime friend in return for sure.

PS:- To all the guys I am not a feminist. This article is not to pull you down. It’s just the side of story that I know being a girl and also because in our society we still have most of the proposals coming from the guy’s side. Hail Society!


–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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  1. Yes…I agree with you here 100%.

    Best way is to convey gracefully whether its a guy or girl….both are human being.

    In long run it helps…Thank God now their are so many mode for guidance earlier days it was really very difficult.

    Now our society has really moved for better.

    God bless U Anjani….Cheers.

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