How to use Cortana in Windows 8.1



Windows 8.1 is the best from Microsoft till date. Windows has two major rivals that are Apple Inc.’s iOS and Google’s Android. The personal assistants of all the three are also major competitors to each other; Google Now, Siri and Windows Cortana. Cortana wants to become a fully-fledged personal assistant understanding your calendar and daily schedule.

She’s named after the ultra helpful assistant in halo and Microsoft wants the Windows Phone 8.1 version to reflect the same level of uselfulness. Here’s how to set up and get the most out of Cortana on your Windows Phone 8.1 device.

Setting up Cortana

Setting up Cortana within Windows Phone 8.1 is simple and easy. It will be able to set up once you have got the new software (Windows 8.1) downloaded – all you need to do is find the right live Tile to place on your home screen. Another way to access Cortana is to hold down the Search button.

What can Cortana Do?

Cortana is smart. She knows where you are and therefore knows where your popular locations are. Reminders regarding watering your herb garden, supermarket location and bank locations can be set as favourite places and she will give you a notification when you reach near the place.

Use your voice to activate alarms. Just say: “set an alarm for 7:00 AM” and she’ll get right on with it. Just say “Turn off my alarm” and she’ll ask which one you want to turn off.

Cortana can interact with a few selected third-party apps. This is one thing iOS’ Siri cannot do. During Windows Phone 8.1’s launch Cortana was shown working with Facebook, Skype and Hulu Plus. If you want to place a call on Skype, just say those words and it’ll open up in front of you. Amazing personal assistance!


–         By Anand Thakkar

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