How To: Use Kohl or Kajal For The Spunky Look


kajal eyes

Kajal and kohl are used by almost every girl to enhance the beauty of their eyes. They have been a favourite among almost all women. The looks you can achieve with a kajal range from a subtle look to a really glamorous and dramatic look.

Kohl application can be tricky for many as it needs to be right to look good. Smudgy or irregular lines can make your eyes look bad and spoil the look. In order to avoid such a debacle, follow these tips:

Kajal comes in a variety of packaging. From traditional surma boxes which needs to be applied with the help of your finger, to pencil sticks which are much easier to apply. Depending on the look you wish to create, keep both the thick and thin sticks handy.

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Start from the inner corners of your eyelids to the outside. You can experiment with your look by drawing out the line a little more than where your eyelid ends, giving it a cat-eye look.

To apply on your lower lid, gently pull the lower lid with the help of your ring finger and look in the upward direction. Now draw out a line with the kajal stick with the help of your other hand. Don’t press too hard and avoid getting any inside your eye.

Try to get the line as straight as possible. The best way to achieve this is by standing in front of the mirror and practising. Make a single clean sweep with the pencil to get it right. You can then make it darker or thicker if you wish.

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Sharpen the tip of the pencil from time to time. A blunt tip will give you thicker lines.

These days, you also get liquid kajal eyeliners in the market. You can use these too as they will be long-lasting, more dramatic in their effect and won’t smudge once they dry completely. But keep its application limited to just your upper eyelids. For lower eyelids, use dry kajal. Also, when applying liquid kajal, keep your eyes shut for a minute to let it dry.

Also, cosmetic kohl may contain preservatives so it is best to remove them before going to bed with the help of an eye make-up remover.

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Here are certain don’ts to keep on mind:-

1)The first rule for eye make-up is to avoid sharing it with anyone, not even with your best friend or sister as it is easy to get bacterial infection from one person to the other.

2)Avoid applying any form of cosmetic inside the eye or the inner lining especially if you wear contact lens.

3)If you have an eye infection then do not apply any make-up as it will further irritate the eye and can also lead to more infection.

4)Do not use cosmetics beyond their expiry date.

5)Always remove any speck of make-up at the end of the day.

6)Do not forget to cap the cosmetics after use to avoid any chance of infection.

7)If the make-up or make-up remover irritates your eyes, just stop its use.

8)Never apply eye make-up when you are in a vehicle as one bump is enough to poke your eye and cause serious damage.


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Riya Lokhande


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