How To Wear A Denim Shirt In Style



Gone are the days when a denim shirt was worn just like that but now modern trends have embraced the denims!, The versatile jean shirt is a timeless staple for your wardrobe—and there are umpteem ways to wear it smart!

You can pair it with floral,frilly tops for a feminine look!   Don’t be afraid to wear denim with denim, as long as the washes are different. You can also try interesting shapes such as cut-out shoulders or crop tops. To stay conservative and put-together for class or work, throw an on-trend tuxedo jacket over your shirt.  Jean tops look great with soft maxi and floral skirts help you embrace sophistication.

You can also wear it with black or white shorts if you are heading to the beach. For a haute look wear it with a white tee and a pair of sassy glares. For a night out with friends, you can easily dress up your shirt with a smart blazer or dress it down with a crazy pair of leggings. You can try   pairing it up with your evening dress  and jumpsuit too.

Consider your next wardrobe investment to be the perfect denim shirt. This is one piece in your closet that not only will never go out of style.  You can add colourful scarfs, belts, neckpieces and  other accessories to spice up the look.

It gets better with every wear!It has the potentiality to make every thing look chic and spunky!It is something which seems will never go out of vogue!


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Riya Lokhande


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