How to wear a leather jacket


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The leather jacket is a classic and we all know that how sophisticated it looks once worn right.Here are ways you can try and wear them:-

1. With a Rocker jacket

Get the perfect look by adding a concert tee shirt to a leather jacket. Ripped and/or faded jeans complete the look.



2.Add stripes:-

There’s something bold and fresh about stripes that just melds perfectly with a leather jacket. Add a scarf too.


3.Wear a Long Skirt

Take leather formal. Try adding a leather jacket to evening separates with a slit-to-there long skirt and white shirt. Keep it funky with a choker and black leather ankle boots, but the overall effect is youthful and dressed up: updated but sophisticated.


5.Wear a Leather Jacket with Print Pants


You could go with solid-color pants or jeans for a traditional look, but print pants will wake up your look faster. Try a graphic print with a contrast jacket  or pick a dominant color from your print pants and use that in your jacket color.


7. Play with Proportions

By putting a cropped, fitted jacket over a long, slim tee and low-rise jeans which is  a fabulous casual look that shows off your  figure better than bulkier pieces would. Make this work for you by adding a tunic or long tee under a waist-length leather jacket. Add leggings or skinny jeans to keep the slim vibe going.


8. Make it Feminine

Toss a leather jacket over your shoulders in place of a cardigan.Same goes for wearing it with ladylike pieces such as pencil skirts, floral prints or ruffles. Just replace the “expected” piece with a leather jacket for a more youthful spin on girly looks.

9. Try it With a Little Black Dress


How to make a little black dress look modern and fun?  The little black dress works with a contrasting color — gray, white or brights — or with a black jacket.

The leather jacket is indeed a versatile piece of clothing which enables you to keep experimenting and getting your look more haute and trendy


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Riya Lokhande


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