How To: Wear Chunky Jewellry In Style!


 chunky bangles

Bangles might rule the wrist, but make room in your jewelry closet because the statement necklace is now the trendsetter. Here are certain tips you can follow:-

1) This accessory doesn’t have to be expensive, but it can add a pop of color or glam to any outfit made from a variety of materials: glass, hammered metal, gemstones, beads, acrylic, plastic, shells or resins.

2) Because of it’s size, a chunky necklace can stand on it’s own or it can look great when worn with other necklaces as a layering piece.Wear them with a button down shirt for work (under the collar like a man’s tie), a simple t-shirt and wide legged jeans for play, or a chic strappy dress to go out.

3)A huge trend that you’ll see are vintage rhinestone necklaces worn with ordinary tees – so start rummaging through Grandma’s old drawers and finding treasures at your favorite antique store.


4)They are best paired with a solid, but if you’re a Bohemian type of girl look for one with some geometric shape and wear it with a great maxi dress or ethnic print.

5)A chunky flowery necklace is best worn with a sundress, white or beachy looks.

 6)When dressing for a formal affair, don’t overlook the power of pearls as a statement necklace to transform plain to fabulous! This is where you can buy something cheap, no one can tell the difference with pearls and really there’s no reason to own the real thing unless it’s a family heirloom.  The secret is to make them your own by adding a brooch, a inexpensive bling stretch ring strung through the bubbles or wrapping them around your neck a few times, layering … think outside the box to create a maddeningly chic look.


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Riya Lokhande


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