How To Wear Mint Fashionably!


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Mint green is really trending for summer and spring.It will look chic if you wear it perfectly but can look atrocious if not worn right!

Colors come in varying degrees of saturation. A color that has a strong level clear saturation is a color that looks like it hasn’t been lightened with white to look more pastel.  A color lacking in saturation is a color that has been lightened through the addition of white and it looks more pastel, softer, and more muted.

mint fashion

Here are two examples:

Unsaturated Mint Green:

This is a mint green shade that does not have a lot of saturation.  You can see that the color is really pastel in color and that is because the color has been lightened using white.  Imagine you add white paint to a color; that is exactly what is happening here.  A color like this looks better on people with softer coloring.

Saturated Mint Green:

This is a mint green shade with more saturation.  It isn’t as pastel-y as the .  A with less saturation is clearer, brighter and less muted and will probably look better on more people.  This is not to say that this is a color that all can wear, but a color that is a little richer will be more generally flattering.

Now let’s put some looks together. Again, it is hard for anyone to wear this color without looking like a tube of toothpaste and it is my guess that the majority of people out there would prefer to wear this color in small doses vs. head to toe.  Here are some outfits I created using this trendy color.

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Mint Green and Navy:

A color that can really ground a lighter mint green shade is navy, which flatters many skin tones.  Accent the outfit with some easy silver accessories and you have an easy weekend look.

Mint Green and Orange:

For a summer color, mint is great, but too much of it can be a bit minty fresh in overload.  Orange and  mint green is a great color combination and coming in with some neutral accessories that complement, yet anchor the color in a sophisticated manner can create a great summer look.

Mint Green Jeans:

Colored jeans are very popular this season and, of course, mint green  jeans would be in the stores.    Well, you could go for a neutral solid top to bring a little sophistication to such a playful color, or you could also look for a printed top that picks up the mint without being too matchy-matchy.  What I like about this total look is that is is clear that the mint found in the jeans is in the printed top, yet, with the neutral and metallic accessories anchoring the overall look it still manages to be elegant.  The jeans then become part of the total outfit and not just a stand alone minty mess.

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Mint Green Shoes:

Navy and mint can be a gorgeous color combination.  I decided to go with navy again when pairing a dress with these mint green wedges.  However, I don’t want you to stop with navy.

The nice thing about a mint shoe is that there really is no neutral dress color that can’t be popped by this color. If you’re going to go mint, a pair of shoes may be the most versatile. I grabbed a pair of earrings that brought in the mint and a white bag to give it that upscale resort look.

Mint Green Summer Dress:

Lastly, if you’re looking for a dress in a color other than black, mint green may be the way to go. Again, keep your personal coloring in mind before you go out and spend. I chose to warm up the dress with with gold metallic accessories and chose an art deco earring that could complete the look and style.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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