How to write a Press Release?


• Getting work reported in the press or on TV or radio is often the last thing we think about when
organising a campaign or event. However a healthy relationship with local media is probably
one of the easiest and most cost effective ways of getting your message out in a timely and
relevant fashion. Building a constructive relationship with your local media can take as little as
a few phone calls, a couple of letters or a meeting or two. This minimal time and effort can
then pay big dividends in the reach and impact of your message.
• Local media is always on the look out for stories, particularly those which are timely and
relevant to their audience or provoke larger debate about human interest themes. Work on
your angle ‐ how does your event or campaign make a link between global issues and your local
community? Timing is important. Your local press work to their own deadlines and it will take
them time to process your information. It is essential that any coverage occurs to coincide with
events you may have planned. You’ll need have your press release written and your contact
primed well ahead of time.

Find your journalist
• You need to target where your press releases are going to ensure maximum impact. Your first
step is research. Read the newspapers, listen to the radio, watch local TV and browse websites.
Note down the names of those journalists who cover the areas that you are working in or who
you think might be interested in your work. In the short term you are looking to approach them
directly with your story. In the long term you are building a directory of contacts which can be
reused by you and your colleagues as your campaign develops.

Establishing a dialogue

Once you have found your journalist, source their contact details. You could use a professional
directory like The Guardian Media Guide. But before you shell out money, try the internet ‐
you’ll be amazed what you can find out on Google. Once you have their mailing address and
telephone number, get in touch with your journalist. Try to be prepared when you speak to
them. Have facts at your fingertips ‐ write a script if you feel it will help. Your goal is for them to
know what you’re all about and what you have planned for the future as well your current
• Firstly, you could send a short, snappy, personal email introducing yourself and your campaign
as briefly as you can. Make it interesting and funny. While there may be no reply to this email,
it will help the journalist to remember you when you take the next step of calling them.
• “Hi, I am ‘X’ from the ‘X group’, I sent you an email a couple of days ago?” Even if the journalist
doesn’t remember your email, your introduction has been made. Repeat your name, what
organisation you represent and what you are going to be doing. If you know that you are shy
and not good at initial contact, get a bolder friend to make the call on your behalf. Your main
objective is to get your name, your organisation or campaign into the journalist’s mind. If you
can do this, your chances of a journalist writing something about you are so much the greater.
• Do not be afraid to ask for a meeting if you think that you will make a better impression by
meeting face‐to‐face; just establish a personal link.

Putting together a press release
• By definition a press release is simply a statement prepared for distribution to the media. The
purpose of a press release is to give journalists information that is useful, accurate and
interesting. A good press release should answer all of the “W” questions (who, what, where,
when and why) about your organisation or upcoming event. Be aware that local media may
pick up your press release and run it in their publications verbatim or, more commonly, they
will use your press release as a springboard for a larger feature story. In either case, try to write
your story as you would like to have it reported To do this you must write your story with the
media in mind. In other words, write like a journalist.

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