How was Fantasies 2010-11?


Here goes the response-

Ishan Shetty Loved today’s fantasies show… But, i think last year’s fantasies event was more better.

Rahul Rajagopalan ‎2dae’s events was jst awsome…!!!! loved it ….!!! thnx guyzzz keep rockng \m/ ♥

Jyothsna Ail fatte bosss gr8 gr8 gr8

Abhishek Verma SuperAwesome Day

Arun Panicker want the crowd to have some more energy bars!!!!!!!
wanna raise it to the next level!

“Musicman” Mihir I want to thank each and every person at Fantasies 2010-2011 ! Thank you for being such an incredible crowd! The Works LOVE you and we would love to be with you again next year!! Rock n Roll!! \m/

Jyothsna Ail fatte fatte evnt.. too good.. had a gr8 tym 🙂

Ronit Ravi was 2gud.especially d fights dat grabed every1s attension.

The Works want to thank each and every person at Fantasies 2010-2011! Thank you all for making this evening such a memorable one for us. So…are you guys ready for next year 😉 We know we are!

Arun Panicker had an awesome tym with the crowd!
i will miss u all
will miss the roar that i hear when everytym nakka mukka is played!
thanx all the OC team for their support! MEENU Mam, Rahul,shrikant,swati,shankar,bala,deepika,payal,mehul,ronson,aatman…….every1….
just pray for me……….
and hey do love me the way u ppl do……………..
common SIES i wanna hear u ……………………… getting old……..cannot hear ur voice…………..lemme hear it………..lols
love ya all
miss u
God bless ya all

Shanks RahamaniacJay Ravasa and 39 others like this.

Vis Shal Adra dra nakka mukka nakka mukaa naka mukka.! 😀 😀
Bindiya Talreja u rly rock!!!!!!
Bhavesh Jain Arun !! We gonna miss u man !!
Saurik Shah Arun panicker = one man army!
Jay Ravasa Will Really Miss u dude…Really had a Great time @ Sies with u …..
Nandini Iyer will miss u 2 …..:-)
Anita Pai luv u too tambi
Krish Iyer wl mis u tambi al the best 4 ur future
Sanket Bunty Hegde dude u rocked big time…cant imagine Fantasies happening without u!! cuz u wer the identity of FANTASIES 🙂
Rabinsa Fernando Arun ur awesome… no one can replace u or do better than u as Tambi… We vl miss u a lot.. & al d best fo ur future…!!
3 cheers frm ma side to u… hope u heard it.. it ws loud enuf cz ur gttn old..!!!!! :p ♥
Rohith Thatchan Miss u buddy !!!! u r goin 2 ‘ve a fantastic future ahead !!!! ,\m/ 🙂
Fantasies ♥
Tambi you ll be missed.
Arun Panicker forgot to thank 1 person……aditi seth….she as the 1 who was taking the effort to paint me up….lols…..thanx each and every1! love ya all!
Rahul Rajagopalan one man army of sies 😉 miss ya luv ya 😉

“Musicman” Mihir SIES Sion team and everyone at Fantasies 2010-2011…I’ll be dedicating a song to you all this sunday on my radio show One Mumbai One Music between 4 and 5pm on 94.3 Radio One! Thank you for keeping rock music alive in colleges! It will be the last song of the hour 🙂

Sanket Bunty Hegde Fantasies was rocking this year GUYZ 🙂


Rabinsa Fernando Fantasies rocked dis year…!!!! Awesum…. Thunderstruck ws ROCKING!!!
lots of memories attached… vl miss Tambi a lot!!!!!!!

Mihir Joshi SIES! 🙂 Thank you for your love and support last night! We had a great time. I will be dedicating a song to each and every one of you on my show One Mumbai One Music on 94.3 Radio One this sunday between 4 & 5pm. It’ll be the last song of the show.

Sonika Agarwal Always knew Fantasies wud cum 2 an end. Now that it has I wanna go back in time.

Minal Jain njoyed the event to the core…..

Brinda Bhat Thunderstruck was awesome…The Works rocked…thanks bala…a special thanks to the Junior college organisers, excellent work guys, keep it up….

Rahul Rajagopalan fantasies 2010 was jst too awsome…!!! njoyd lyk anythng…!! last dae tooo gud…! thunderstruck \m/ ♥ …!!! special thnx 2 Bala Subramanian Rahul Sridhar Mitesh Chawathe Sanchita Manjrekar Akshay Chandrasekhar Nishant patel Shrikaant Iyer nd d main Arun Panicker (The TAMBI) sry if i missed any names 😉 to make dis event such a big success luv u al ♥ ♥ ♥ fantasies rockz \m/ strtd missing fantasies frm nw only 🙁 dnt knw hw 2 pass a ful year wtout it 🙁

Selwyn Richardson Fantasies 2010 rocked evry1…hatsoff 2 all d OC memberz, volunteers(includng me :)), n superstar bala n thambi 4 making it a grand success…since it ws my 1st yr in SIES lukin fwd 4a heavy blast 4 da nxt yr….

Atman Shah wat an amazin fest put up guys.. Rahul Sridhar Shrikaant Iyer Neha Asher Pradeep Parkale Tuisha, the OC n the entire team.. Fantasies 2010-2011 completely rocked n u all too.. 🙂 had a gr8 gr8 time refreshin all my memories.. thnx a lot.. 🙂

Raghuveer Patrachari That is it guyz… its all ova…!!
Had great fun.. ofcoz I wish d 1st day could have been better.. neway… m gona miss Fantasies a lot….

Jus 3months more,.. n m outa colg… will miss Fantasies the most! 🙁 🙁

Jay Ravasa and 3 others like this.

Nirupama Parasuram me too..:( gonna cry now..:'(

Sriram Krishnakumar jus praying so dat next fantasies 11-12 ,the EX-STUDENTS are also allowed !!!! dahm loved every single moment ..////

Raghuveer Patrachari yeah.. even I hope.. the Ex-Students are allowed and the CP is 1 of our friends so dat he/she can try to get us in! 😀

Khushi Kunal it ws grt…………………….!!

Shannon Pereira I love SIES!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

Pranay Ramaiya getting loop was really awesome…congratulations finance dept and also for the great sponsors such as pepsico and even red fm!

Bala Subramanian hey guys its been truly amazing …i am glad dat d informals team could do justice on stage…we r happy dat we could do our bit for fantasies wid d little talent dat we hav….my team would like to thank the forefathers of fantasies informals…marshall,richa,sahil n pratik…the stage misses u guys n so do we…thank u people for all d love n support….n for d people who thought that we were sinfully irritatin,we shall strive harder next year…special thanks to d fantasies oc n teaching n non teaching stff of sies…..we love u all…byee tc n remember KEEP THE PAGALPANTI PERSONIFIED !!!

Arun Panicker i forgot to thank 1 team: thats RED Bull!!!!
i had many tins to boost up my energy on stage!
sacch bolu toh fukkat ka mill raha tha…..toh bahut pee liya! lols
anyways i thank the Red Bull team toooooooooo……they were very kind……..

Prakash Gupta There was d tym were der was no registeration and every1 said that dis yr fantasies would nt b good as b4r,bt after wat happen n we see it would b a greet punch on their face…..
Dam dnt take S.I.E.S lightly we would sacrifies everythng 2 keep its pride….
S.I.E.S rocks
tambi rocks

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