How Would The World Be Without Any Technology?


Technology … One of the most important things of the 20th Century in the life of each and every individual. Sometimes when I imagine how would the world be without any technology?  The first thing that comes in my mind is how we would had survived without Whatsapp, Facebook and on the whole the ‘internet’. Just imagine the time when we used to spend almost Rs.1 per message as SMS and Rs 1.50 for sending messages to international destinations but with the invention of Whatsapp and various free messaging application available one can send thousands of messages and reach the person sitting in any corner of the world at any time. All this is just because of the advancement of technology in the recent years.

One of the recent technological advancement the world is enjoying and has put the lives of each and every individual and the youth at ease is the advent of ‘Online shopping ‘where everything you desire to purchase comes at your door-step and that to within a specific time-limit of some hours. In this busy world mostly it’s difficult to go and buy stuffs which you require at the cost of your time, energy and obviously your money. Online shopping has got lot of appreciation due to its flexibility and the most important time saving factor. I decided to conduct a small research where I spoke to 10 individuals mostly teenagers and the conclusion came out to be that 7 out of 10 individuals appreciated online shopping!



The above are the few well-known companies which have excelled in the online shopping market. So in order to survive in this technologically oriented world one has to be technologically updated at all means of time.


– By Burhan Fatehi


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