How would you evaluate a training programme ? Does its evaluation have any bearing on its design?


Q. How would you evaluate a training programme ? Does its evaluation have any bearing on its design?


Ans. The specification of values forms a basis of evaluation. The process of training evaluation has been defined as “any attempt to obtain information on the effects of training performance and to access the value of training in the light of that information.  The various methods of training evaluation are:

  1. Immediate assessment of trainee’s reaction to the programme.
  2. Trainee’s observation during the training programme.
  3. Knowing trainees expectations before the training programme and collecting their views regarding the attainment of the expectations after the training
  4. Seeking opinion of the trainee’s superior regarding his/her job performance and behaviour before and after training.
  5. Evaluation of trainee’s skill level before and after the training programme.
  6. Measurement of improvement in trainees on the job behaviour.
  7. Examination of the testing system before and after sometime of the training programme.
  8. Measurement of trainee’s attitudes after training programme.
  9. Cost-benefits analysis of the training programme.
  10. Seeking opinion of trainee’s colleagues regarding his/her job performance and behaviour.
  11. Measurement of levels in absenteeism, turnover, wastage/scrap, accidents, breakage of the machinery during pre and post period of the training programme.
  12. Seeking opinions of trainees subordinates regarding his/her job performance and behaviour


The Evaluation of a Training has bearing on its Design. It should be well defined in meeting specific objectives. The nomination of employees should be based on the need of training. The trainers should be qualified and experienced. The training calendar should be discussed with the manager. Training needs should be identified through job description, performance appraisal and potential appraisal discussions.


  1. Reaction: The design of the training depends on the trainee’s reaction to the usefulness of coverage of the matter, depth of the course content, method of presentation, teaching methods etc.
  2. Learning : Training programme, trainers ability and trainee ability are evaluated on the basis of quantity of content learned and time in which it is learned and the learners ability to use or apply the content he learned. All these factors depend on the Training Design.
  3. Job Behaviour : The training design helps in identifying the manner and extent to which the trainee has applied his learning to his job.
  4. Organisation : The training design helps in measuring the use of training, learning and change in the job behaviour of the department/organization in the form of increased productivity, quality, morale, sales turnover and the like.
  5. Ultimate Value: It is the measurement of the ultimate result of the contributions of the training programme to the Company goals like survival, growth, profitability etc. and to the individual goals like development of personality and social goals like maximizing social benefits.


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