How Your Daily Dose Of Television Impact’s Your Mind!


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Laughter makes you feel good. And the good feeling that you get when you laugh remains with you even after the laughter subsides. Humor helps you keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss. “Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.” This is rightly said and can be exhibited through daily sitcoms which rejuvenate you and refreshes you from the daily routine.

From Doctor Shieldon Cooper to Indian Kapil Sharma, from Two and half men to Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, we have grown up seeing these daily sitcoms which have left some influence on us. Sitcoms portray more admirable characters we would prefer to identify with, who still suffer from their own less drastic limits. They draw us into more modest world where we experience a different feeling of joy.


I love FRIENDS show. It is real treat for 20 minutes. This show is funny, addictive and unlike any other show, it is hilarious on the reruns. The Big Bang Theory, that gave a ‘Bazinga’ to all of us and made static agreements for even the saddest of things. It is a story of the sheltered lives of four friends, who combined know more than you could ever hope to learn in 100 lifetimes. How I Met You mother, Two and Half Men, The Simpsons and Castle are also the legendary sitcoms that give us happy endings, loving relationships, and commiseration between characters, that tells us things aren’t really so bad and life does have its compensations. They help reconcile us to the unfairness and incompleteness of life, and with all the limitations imposed from without and within.


2014, gave us the most hit comic serial starring Kapil Sharma. The King of comedy and the new entertainer Kapil Sharma is known for his show ‘Comedy Nights with Kapil’ and is loved by all age groups that  helps free us up through the liberating power of sadistic mockery. Another one is ‘Taarak Mehta ka oolta Chashma’, which if fulltime unmissable comic serial that also gives a social message of unity and is a blend of hilarious characters and loving relationships that have been charaterised to create humor for us. Through the good feeling and immediate release of the joke and the laugh, The other featured sitcoms like Sarabhai vs. Sarabhai, Khichdi had let us mock foolishness, even as they let us recognize that it is alright to be foolish, at the same time.

tarak mehta

Sitcoms create a powerful sense of hope in viewers. Between the permission to be imperfect and to know what we know; the interesting characters and situations; the depictions of friendship and intimacy; the commiseration, and happy endings, and, of course, the laugh and the jokes, the message we get is that life is good.

– Tanvi Shah

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